Friday, May 29, 2009
this time, it's electricity and hetero and homosexual rape! (oh…just like a fraternity party?)
of couse, u.s. admin says no:
but, my friends…i suspect this is just one more disclosure and what remains hidden, for the moment: mutilation and murder.
but, obama…obama, with the power of your office…why are you trying to cover up the atrocious nature of the bush-cheney war crimes?
don’t you realize, that in doing this, you make these crimes yours?
the bush-cheney-obama war crimes
don’t you realize that the only way to keep your reputation intact is to let it all out, now?
how can you be such a fool, after the major political victory you pulled off in getting to the white house?
don’t you realize that you will fracture the democratic party?
no one who holds dear, the constitution and the highest of american ideals, should stay in the democratic party with its current leadership. i consider my vote to have been wasted, yet again. there seem to be no dem leaders with enough courage to make a clean break with the bush policies.
so, i will soon leave the democratic party for the green party.
that way, even if my vote never counts for anything ever again, i will feel good about myself (even when i have to hold my nose to vote for dems to keep the repubs out).
but, right now, i feel like i’ve been ravaged, in the unmentionable depths of the posterior abyss.
let us remember the principle war criminals of the iraq-afgahn-pakistan wars:
Monday, May 25, 2009
memorial day
i will remember all wars! i will remember all of those that fought these wars. i will remember all that have died at the hands of those who have fought these wars. i will remember all the resources that have been wasted fighting these wars. i will remember our continual wasting of resources fighting wars. i will remember all those who have died for nothing in bogus wars of choice (vietnam, iraq, the continuing afghanistan war, the pakistan drone war).
i will not raise the flag of any country on memorial day! i will not praise soldiers that have genocided indigenous peoples of the 'new world'. i will not praise soldiers of the u.s. confederacy who fought to maintain the culture of slavery. i will not praise our warrior class who maintain the military-industrial complex and export arms to the world to maintain world-wide-war as an excuse to spend more money on defense (i.e., themselves). i will not praise those who sponsor the murderous dictatorships of the world. i will not praise our idiot philosophy of 'fighting for peace'.
happy memories...
more later
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Nancy Pelosi vs. The CIA
The CIA and all other intelligence groups can never prove anything, ever, because they can’t declassify current intel. They can never prove that anything they’ve done has saved us from any harm! All these agencies can do is ask the public to believe what they say, and there’s no good reason to believe organizations setup to lie and break the laws of other countries, especially when they’re caught committing war crimes.
All Nancy has to do at this point is to clearly call on the CIA to prove it briefed her on water boarding. She need only call for all of the documentation presented at all of the briefings to be declassified, and the whole issue is over!
However, Nancy has stumbled all over this. Now she refuses to say anything, looking guilty as hell. [] How can she be so slow? How can all of the news orgs be so slow as well? No one (until perhaps yesterday) has challenged the CIA to prove its assertions! We’ve been buried in a pile of nonsense (again) because everyone is too stupid to call for proof. We have dumbed down to the point where we can no longer apply logic to extricate ourselves from simple situations.
Do you see why I named this blog ‘Four Corners’? America always seems to end up at ‘Four Corners’, just to find there’s no there…there.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
boy of steele
more later
Friday, May 15, 2009
three strikes and yourrr out!
what can you say (or do) when what was once seen as change we could believe in has now become change we might have believed in...
well, we can go to the old ball game! (it is summer, after all)
it's the bottom of the 9th. the bases are loaded. repubs: 4,955 (us soldiers dead in iraq & afghanistan) + 3017 (dead in the world trade center) + unknown numbers of iraqis, pakistanis, and afghanis killed. dems: nothing much (as usual). two down and one to go. obama's at bat.
strike one: continuation of the bush policy of bailing out the banks (i.e., the rich folks, first)
strike two: not prosecuting the people who thought up and executed the bush torture policy (war criminals united)
foul ball: continuing the bush wars
foul ball: sucking up to the repubs
foul ball: hosting a rich peoples' hollywood party during a depression
strike three: covering up more photo evidence of the bush torture policy (see no evil...)
and you'rrrr out (at the old ball game)!
oh was a lopsided score, after all!
arrrgg...more later
Friday, May 8, 2009
where does it stop???
'After "stress tests" were performed on the 19 largest U.S. banks, the Treasury and the Federal Reserve concluded that 10 of them need to raise a combined $74.6 billion to build a capital buffer to ensure they could keep lending...'
say wha? when did the banks start lending? who're they lending to? each other? don't see too many underwater home owners getting bailed. why is the geith bailing GM/GMAC? GM is a complete loser corp? it's been making crap for years. now, GMAC (the lender of a loser) wants to buyout the other auto making loser:
"GMAC spokeswoman Toni Simonetti said the company was expecting the government to provide new capital soon to allow it to take on the Chrysler business, and said this was separate from any capital-raising it would need to do to raise the $11.5 billion in capital regulators have told it to raise.
Geithner made clear the government was willing to put a large amount of capital on the line."
oh great, geith...why don't you pay your taxes (on time), then we'll spend some of your money on these losers! he's just pouring our tax dollars into a corporate rat hole.
but, obama seems to be surrounded by rat holes: iraq, afghanistan, pakistan, american corporations, the military, the intel community, the banks, the states, swine flu...
god, where does it stop?
i'll tell you where it (the buck) stops. it stops before it gets to the common guy, the common working man, the guy who get's his taxes taken before he get's his check!
'"Financing is critical to this (restructuring) process, and that requires that GMAC have the ability to provide loans that Americans need to buy cars," Geithner said.'
what's this guy on? who can get a loan for a car? i know i can't! you have to have a perfect credit score.
'While steep job losses continued in April, analysts took heart that the number of jobs lost was the fewest since October, and Geithner also said the data offered some hope.
"They're encouraging in some sense because the rate of decline in the economy as a whole is slowing," he said.'
wow...calculus 101! hey geith, where's the inflection point?
i think we all know that the rate of the decline could still be declining when the percentage of u.s. unemployed goes over 10%. will we still be encouraged (in some sense) then?
we may not know where the inflection point is, but we know what the 'bottom line' is:
100% pure U.S. B.S.
ah, enough...more later!
Friday, May 1, 2009
obama at 100...a new day comin?
i detested the eisenhower-kennedy-johnson-nixon vietnam war and the racist-sexist-polluter-corporatist (mad men) society of the time.
naturally then, i considered the reagan-gingrich era another era of social, economic, cultural, and environmental destruction.
the last nine years of republican (repub) hegemony were, simply, the collapse of the philosophic foundation of the right-wing military-business class.
i consider the peak of contemporary american culture to have been when Neil Armstrong stepped onto the surface of the Moon on 20 July 1969. (for a moment the whole world seemed to stop and we seemed to be all one 'mankind'.) after that, although technology has evolved enormously, its been straight downhill. no moon base. no mars. just war war war and trillions spent on war toys. (just think of where we'd be if that money had gone into manned space...)
no...repubs and mad men have left the 'ordinary guy in the street' (e.g., me) with nothing to look forward to but a generational war with the islamic world and a hollowed out post industrial economy.
let's be honest, the future for the working class or anyone without at least an undergraduate degree is going to be grim without traditional unionized factory work.
infrastructure maintenance, fast foods, security, and enlisted military will be the biggest source of working class jobs in the near future. but there will be no job mobility and no way to advance the next generation on service economy wages.
however, before we go down that road, let's enjoy the moment! for the moment, the repubs are finished!
the repubs have no more ideas and no more ‘leaders’ worth serious consideration!
(the corks pop *!*)
in this interregnum, there is a wonderful opportunity to eliminate the whole scaffolding of the military-capitalist-polluter-theocratic society
and replace it with a rational-scientific-ecological society. by ecological i mean both social and physical ecology.
now, if only...there was a leader...
into this gap comes barack obama...44th president of the u.s. congratulations to those of us who had the presence of mind not to go the other way!
grampy & moose girl would have been a real joke. but, perhaps obama is the answer.
it is obvious that he’s a vast intellectual improvement over bush.
from his rhetoric we can feel the compassion missing with the conservative. and yet, now that the voting is over, what remains seems, somehow...lacking? is it 'morning after' blues?
instead of the bold practitioner of the political arts we find a timid, tentative, and seemingly unsure occupier of the office. this is rather
disturbing, given that the dems, as a whole, are a timid and conflicted party (always running scared of the repubs).
what we need now is a clear, clean, and complete break from the repub policies. i think such a break would start with:
(1) nationalizing the banks and underwriting the ‘underwater mortgages’ of people with single homes, who have no history of flipping homes.
(2) using the u.s.-iraq sofa to accelerate our departure from iraq (like the brits).
(3) realizing that there is no win in the afghani-pakistani talibani wars that bush inflamed and getting out of there as fast as possible.
(4) telling israel that its now a big technological power with a first class military and nukes, so it's on its own! good luck and no more handouts!
(5) telling the american people the truth about the u.s. auto industry (and old fashion industry in general): it's dead. no more mass manufacturing of cars on assembly lines, just boutique custom cars with lots of smarts. maybe segway-coffins.
(6) cleaning out the bush repubs remaining in important government positions from which they can undermine his governace.
(7) prosecuting the people who founded the ‘bush torture policy’ (btp), or at least handing them over to the hague if we are too gutless to do the job!
(8) and (i almost forgot), decriminalizing most drugs for adults so we can save money on policing and jailing and warring (with ourselves) and reap the benefits of taxing the stuff, researching the stuff, and enhancing medical techniques with what comes out of the research.
oh well, in summary, obama may not be 'the one' (given his recent comments and policies on all of the above), but he'd better wake up and set a whole new course. (or the dems in congress better make him) because periods of opportunity for big cultural change come rarely and are fleeting (before the next crisis).
on the other hand, obama gets kudos for his changes in: stem-cell, climate, and basic research funding policy!
more later…