OK, this has been done lots of times in history where a stronger group takes the land of a weaker group (e.g., euros vs. native amers). And, if you don't stop it while it's happening, who's to say, a hundred years later, who was right and who was wrong. But...wait! It is now, and this is happening now. So, who's trying to stop it? amers, euros, chines, nips, Eskimos? Nope. not a one of them. (Well, maybe Jimmy Carter.) Anyone calling for a gasoline embargo against the isies?
No...my guess is: the whole world is going to sit back and watch the Israelis take all of the west bank, take back the beach front, and then shove the pals into a 'homeland' along the Jordanian border in the 'stinkingest' part of the desert they have. (probably downwind of the Israeli nuclear bomb reactors.)
Let's face it, the 'two state solution' was bogus from the start. We can all easily understand that the isies were never going to allow the pals to have a full-up sovereign state (which means loading up on all the weapons they can buy)! The isies will probably wall-off the pals in whatever homeland they give them, so they have no freedom of movement (which means loading up on all the weapons they can buy). Now, the isies might be 'white about it' and allow a full 'right of return' for the pals...to their new homeland!
So, since we all know this, why is Obama wasting his time with these clowns?
Could he have possibly missed the simple to understand point above? Does he know something we don't? I doubt it. The plain and simple fact is that the isies want as much of Palestine as they can get away with grabbing, just like the whites did in the Americas.
We can all understand that, so that's that. Nothing more to be said. Obama should simply walk away from the whole problem. (The Israelis--Netanyouwho--aren't listening to him anyway.) Let the isies work it out with their neighbors. They're smart guys. I'm sure they can handle the problem. Plus, they've got a fine military, great Intel organizations, and NUKES! What more could they want?
The isies don't need us and they certainly don't need our money. The pals and the isie Arabs are tough and have a great birth rate. So, let the 'love' competition begin. We'll see who gets the land in the end (by shear weight of numbers)!