Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Open Letter to President Obama – Afghanistan

Dear Mr. President,

I hope this letter reaches you in some form or the other. It is extremely important that you not make the major mistake by which your presidency will be defined. It is extremely important that you not make the mistake Lyndon Johnson did in Vietnam.

No not escalate the war in Afghanistan. Listen to your generals and then make the correct decision. Remember, generals are always generals and will opt for war in most situations because that is how they are trained to solve problems. Generals and armies are for destroying countries and their inhabitants. They are not for nation building.

The most important thing you must remember is just one thing.

No matter how long the U.S. military stays in Afghanistan, no matter how many people we kill there (unless we kill everyone), no matter who we coerce, no matter who we ‘pay off’, no matter how clean the next elections are, no matter how good a leader of Afghanistan we put in place, no matter how many Americans are killed, no matter how much money we spend on the war; at the end of the day, we will leave Afghanistan (unless you plan to make it part of the U.S. somehow)! At that point the Taliban and al-Qaeda will return. Why? Because they live there! They raise their children there. And, for every father we kill, for every mother, brother, sister, and cousin we kill; some child will swear a blood oath to take us down!

The countries we are engaged in have much less to lose in an indefinite war than we do. To win, all they have to do is survive. By surviving, they will wear our economy down to third world status, for the majority of Americans. By surviving, they will become heroes to many people at the bottom of the societies in the Islamic world. By surviving, they will become dispersed throughout the Islamic world and more sophisticated in guerrilla technique. And, with access to nuclear munitions, there is no way to estimate what they will be able to do in ten or twenty or fifty years of continuous war with us.

There is only one way out of the quagmire the republicans left for you: Apologize to the Islamic world for what we have done there for the last 50 years. Pledge to help rebuild everything the Western powers have destroyed. Take a neutral approach to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Remove our troops back to the states which will host them. Use current technology, special-forces, and the CIA to contain al-Qaeda as best they can. This is the optimal solution: minimize casualties and economic waste and maximize good will.

Please do not let the republicans determine your foreign policy. They are extremely bad at foreign policy! Please, do not let the three wars we are engaged in (Iraq, Afghanistan, and Pakistan) consume us. We have much to do domestically to recover from the Bush recession. We cannot afford endless war in Asia.

I wish you the best of luck in your endeavors and I hope you maintain the good will of the world, expressed in your Peace Prize.



Thursday, October 15, 2009

To The White Separatist Who Called C-SPAN This Morning

this post is to the white separatist who called c-span's washington journal this morning (oct. 15, 2009) to interrupt prof. cornell west with the dumb idea of partitioning 'the country' along racial lines.

it won't work.

first: not all whites want to live in one partition. i assure you that rich white people won't want to be in a 'state' with a majority of poor uneducated white (as they've been called in the past) trash! rich white's live in their enclaves like new england, northern cali., hawaii, and parts of maryland and virginia. the only way poor uneducated whites are wanted in these areas is as a guest worker!

second: you talk about partitioning this land as if it's the white man's land to partition. well...it's not! while whites are in an ongoing process of ripping off the native americans (including native hawaiians), this land remains theirs! your treaties are either bogus or expired, which makes you merely occupiers as you are in iraq and afghanistan. now, you can try to act like colonial brits (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Rhodes_Colossus) and partition the land into separate little 'countries', but look what it got them then (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/First_Anglo-Afghan_War) and look at what its got us now (http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/world/specials/afghanistan/)!

third: there're a lot more racial/ethnic groups in america, than you probably suspect. and they will all want a chunk of 'the country' when you start dividing it up! almost every 'country' in africa and south america and asia has an immigrant minority here. i'm sure nigerian americans will want their own part of the country! and, you can forget 'drill baby drill' if you partition, because anwar will become part of inuit land, and i'm sure they're not so stupid as to let the oil companies come in and tear it up!

no...there's a much easier solution for you white separatists: go back to where ever in europe your people came from in the first place!!!!!!! (although, i doubt they'll have you, given your general financial and educational status as well as your backward politics.) we'll all be happier. (except for the euros!)

if the euros won't take you, then a better idea is a north/south split along political lines. we libs will take everything above the old 'border states' + the union territories + alaska + hawaii and you cons can have the confederacy including tennessee. you separatists can then kick anyone you want out of your 'country' across the border into mexico!

Monday, October 12, 2009

Film Review: Capitalism—A Love Story

Just viewed ‘Capitalism—A Love Story’ (http://www.capitalismalovestory.com/).
Michael Moore completes his critique of America. What more can be said. Moore clearly shows that America (i.e., the American dream of my childhood) is dead for all of us who have to work for a living at average jobs which pay average wages. Klepto-corporate Amerika (see Citigroup Oct 16, 2005 Plutonomy Report Part 1) is where we live now, and it is an obscenity! (http://moneycentral.msn.com/content/Insurance/P64954.asp) American exceptionalism. America, ‘the greatest country’. America, ‘the land of the free’. All 100% US Bulls Hit! Moore shows that class warfare is real and deadly. Congress is bought and sold. Republicans and Democrats are bought and sold. The White House is nothing but a corporate outhouse. The Fed and Treasury are nothing more than boardrooms of Goldman Suchs (http://www2.goldmansachs.com/ -- oh look, some peasants!).

‘Capitalism’ shows that there are some small rays of hope in a few isolated cases of rebellion against foreclosure and a certain thieving windows company (and its bank—The Bunk Of Amerika), but for the most part, what sticks in the memory, is the face of upper class white male Wall Street indifference. Moore is quite clear in his solution: capitalism must be eliminated! We may not be able to eliminate our corrupt capitalist ruling class (without eliminating ourselves—the working class), but we need never hear their BS lies again.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Israel vs. Palestine 2

guess i called this one right:

Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman announced before meeting Mitchell earlier on Thursday that he would tell the envoy there was no chance of a peace deal for many years.

"There are many conflicts in the world that haven't reached a comprehensive solution and people learned to live with it," Lieberman, a hawk in Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's right-leaning coalition government, told Israel Radio.

"Whoever says that it's possible to reach in the coming years a comprehensive agreement...simply doesn't understand the reality," Lieberman said. "He's spreading illusions and in the end brings disappointment."


it seems to me that this is where we can 'cut em loose'. if the isies aren't going to make a deal with the pals, then the 'gig' is up and they can go their own way. we can then concentrate on that part of the, so called, middle east that is our real national interest, the oil!


cluck, cluck, cluck

and, now for an economics lesson:

Palin, the former Republican vice presidential candidate and ex-governor of Alaska, launched her dollar criticism on her Facebook page. She linked dollar weakness to U.S. dependence on foreign oil, large U.S. deficits and questions about whether the dollar deserves to retain its vaunted status of reserve currency.

"We can see the effect of this in the price of gold, which hit a record high today in response to fears about the weakened dollar," Palin wrote on Facebook this week.

"All of this is a result of our out-of-control debt. This is why we need to rein in spending, and this is also why we need energy independence."

well...cluck, cluck little duck.

we'll really need a lot more oil as we "rein in spending".

the economic deficit isn't the only deficit in town!

Top ten (pretty good) reasons for President Obama to win The Nobel Peace Prize:

10. Searching for a way to slow nuclear proliferation in Asia.

9. Working with the rest of the world to address Global Warming.

8. Deploying a fairly first rate Secretary of State.

7. Trying to restart the failed Israeli-Palestinian peace process.

6. Starting the stand down in Iraq. (Better late than never.)

5. Clamping down, a teeny-weenie, on the unconstitutional wire-tapping of the American public of the Bush administration.

4. Shutting down the CIA's international rendition-torture-prison program.

3. Attempting to close Guantanamo Bay which is stain upon the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution.

2. Upholding the sanctions against torture in our various codes of conduct.

1. Showing unbelievable forbearance and tolerance and adherence to the American principles of freedom of speech and assembly in not lashing out at the American right wing KKK and smashing them into dust with all the powers an American president can bring to bear against treason in a time of war!

Bravo, Mr. President!