Tuesday, November 2, 2010

IT Happens

well...there's only one thing to say about this election:  



enjoy it!

Monday, November 1, 2010

National Suicide

Tomorrow begins the suicide of what could have been a great nation.  A nation gifted with the wealth of European intellectualism that could have taken us to the stars.  A  nation that could have repaired the effects of the great crimes upon which it was founded (i.e., the genocide of the native American, the enslavement of black Americans, and the wanton rape of the environment) with the vast wealth generated by its farms and factories and mines and accumulated by its rich and powerful.  Tomorrow though, lower and middle class white Americans will begin the process of bringing the corrupt and powerful back into complete control of all branches of the American government.  The party of the American right wing, the republican party, the party of corrupt and powerful Americans, will continue its efforts to establish, for all time, an aristocracy whose quality of life is so far removed from that of Americans who must work to survive that its operative nature will not even be understandable( in the next few decades) by those not of their class.

However, none of this is a surprise as what it represents is the colonial imperative at the heart of our society.  To understand where we are going, one need only study the colonial period before ‘these united states’ were born.  There existed, then, an aristocracy whose level of education and understanding and longevity far exceeded that of the peasantry that tended their lands and lived in such brutish conditions as were those of post Roman Europe.  This ‘existential gap’ continued through the formation of ‘these united states’ and on through the civil war with brought about the formation of ‘The United States’ and the rise of the robber baron nation whose existence was founded on the wage slavery of factory and mine workers imported from impoverished parts of Europe in the late 18th to early 20th century. Again, the difference between the conditions of existence for the top 5% of ‘americans’ and the rest was that of a century or more due to the fact that the top 5% had access to electricity and running indoor water at least 50 years before the lower 95%.  Essentially, the wealthy lived in light while the workers huddled in the dark of factories, mines, and hovels.

We can see this happening again, now, as the wealth of the lower 95% plummets while the wealth of the upper 5% accelerates to unheard of levels.  With this comes the bifurcation of services and education and all other aspects of existence.  Since American has divested itself of the ‘smokestack industries’ that once offered the hope of lifting the children of the lower and lower middle classes out of their condition, it has essentially divested itself of this class of people.  They are now free, to do…whatever.  Only for a narrow moment from about 1950 to 1980 did the wealth gap close.  This, as may be easily understood, was the peak of our civilization where we put a man on the moon. Then in the age of Reagan (the golden age for most republicans) the beginning of the opening of the wealth gap started with ‘union busting’, corporate deregulation, and industrial ‘off-shoring’.  (These all go hand-in-hand as deregulation allowed—no, encouraged—corporations to de-unionize and then move their jobs to the pools of the lowest wage earners capable of doing the jobs.)  With this, the earnings of the wealthy started its long ramp upward while the wages of the American worker stagnated or fell.  This continued to the point of the current collapse of the American economy due to massive off-shoring and even more corporate deregulation (sadly, under the democratic party).  During this time, rich Americans diversified their land holdings and investments in such a fashion as to sever their connection with the lower American classes.  That is to say, the top 5% of American live all over the better parts of the world and have investments all over the world.  So whatever fate America has as it’s future, will not be their fate.  We workers and former workers have been left behind. 

Now, lower and middle class white America votes to bring The Party of Reagan back into power!  This time, though, they bring them back with a crazy and violent mob party that started off calling itself the Tea Bag Party or Tea Baggers, until they found out what ‘tea bagging’ actually meant.  This again, is not surprising as mob violence is always a close associate of conservative political behavior from lynchings to public school blockades to anti-abortion attacks on clinics to storming vote counting activities to stomping opposition protesters.    Lower and middle class white America is angry and they want to hurt somebody in order to ease the pain of their own destruction.  They will do it the way they have always done it.  Hurt the black man, the Latino, and then themselves!  The party that is most well established in doing this is the republican party, an amalgamation of the former Dixiecrat Party and the white businessman’s party.  (Negros can enter through the rear.)

After tomorrow repubs will control the House of Representatives and the Supreme Court. They may even control the Senate.  President O will be marginalized, along with most of the rest of his unemployed black brothers, and pointed to the door.  The legislative process will breakdown and the Krazy Kraker Koalition (formerly the Kraker Klowne Koaliton) will attempt to destroy the civilian federal government and turn federal governance of the country over to the military-intelligence-police-prison corporations.  The rest of the power will go to KKK state governance.  In another two years, President O will probably be unemployed.  (He’ll, of course, get the biggest unemployment check of all his brothers.)  

This will essentially be the end of ‘The United States’.  After losing all of the wars it’s currently engaged in,  ‘The United States’ will return to being ‘These United States’ and then back to a set of mostly agricultural colonies run by the children of the top 5% who like to play with their slaves in the dirt.  When they are finished, the land (or what’s left of it) will return to the Native American.  China will be world ruler and perhaps the ruler of the inner solar system.

So let’s all go out and vote tomorrow!  Kool-Aid will be served!