Once we had hope for a change. For once, we on the left, had someone to vote for, rather than a field of cabbages to vote against. For a moment, we had hope. For a moment…it seemed that we could…have rational and fair domestic governance and a balanced approach to international affairs. I thought one man would usher in a new age of science and reason and compassion. I (in my secret heart of hearts) hoped that we might have had, at least, one last chance to pull back from the abyss that is the legacy of Nixon-Reagan-Bush (and, of lesser consideration, Clinton).
I (we) put all our hope for this change on one person: Barack Hussein Obama II. But we were to be brutalized and raped (yet again) like some virgin whore, pimped out to every two faced pol pulling up in a big black Cadillac looking for that sweet sweet candy lick. Oh yeah, Obama (now prez0) told us one thing, but if you looked carefully at who he brought to the party, you could have known what was going to happen next. Yeah, it was 'the best and the brightest' (again): Tax dodging Timmy, Larry (the hitman) Summers, Benny Bernanke, and some goddamed republican: Gates! WTF??????????
Yesterday marked the end of a historic presidency of waffling, groveling, shuffling miscommunication, bafflement, befuddlement, and reneging. So, let us now remember the immortal lyrics of the old Cream song ‘Politician’ by Jack Bruce and Pete Brown:
Hey, hey now baby, get into my big black car.
Hey now baby, get into my big black car.
I wanna just show you what my politics are.
Hey now baby, get into my big black car.
I wanna just show you what my politics are.
I’m a political man and I practice what I preach.
I’m a political man and I practice what I preach.
So don’t deny me baby, not while you’re in my reach.
I’m a political man and I practice what I preach.
So don’t deny me baby, not while you’re in my reach.
<<hmm…sounds like what prez0’s bag man, Billbo Clinton, would say!>>>
I support the left, tho' I'm leanin', leanin’ to the right.
I support the left, tho' I'm leanin' to the right.
But I'm just not there when, when it's coming to a fight.
<<oh yeah, we know that now! so…>>
Hey now baby, get into my big black car.
Hey now baby, get into my big black car
I wanna just show you what my politics are.
Hey, hey, hey
I wanna just show you what my politics are.
I wanna just show you what my politics are.
Can you feel it? Can YOU FEEL IT! Oh yes. Oh yes. Yes I can. YES I CAN! I CAN FEEEEEL IT!
wait... for it
prez0 has caved on everything he said he stood for in his campaign! He’s now given these stinking republican billionaires a tax cut on their Bush Billionaire Bailout Bonuses!! So…what can you say to all of this?