It is February 3rd. I am watching the Rachel Maddow Show live at 0300. It is bloody violent on the street. We have now seen what Hosni Mubarak really is! A bloody brutal fascist dictator! Another Amerikan crony-ally in our wars against the poor, the homeless, labor, the non-white, the non-rich, and people who don’t buy the Amerikan lie...i.e., the oppressed!
Mubarak warned yesterday of what would happen today when he said he would die on Egyptian land. What he meant was that he will fight to hold on to nothing. He will destroy his country to stay in power. His brutal stupidity will bring the Muslim Brotherhood to power as the only alternative! Egypt is no longer a functioning country. Egypt is at war!
With this, we have now seen the success of Amerikan ‘Middle East ’ policy: A BIG FAT FAILURE!
Now, we’ll see what Obama really is! Biden has already put his big foot in his big mouth ( trying to walk the ‘middle ground’. Looking at the live footage, it is plain to see that Obama really has nothing to say. His administration no longer has any credibility in ME affairs. They couldn’t control the Israelis and they can’t win in Afghanistan . Hillary Clinton’s Middle East policy has failed worse than that of Madeleine Albright and Condoleezza Rice.
Mubarak unleashed criminals and undercover police to crush an essentially peaceful revolt. His supporters charged into the protesters on horse and camel back wielding whips, clubs, and machetes. Journalists have been targeted and swarmed, stabbed, and detained. Mubarak’s first impulse was, of course, to cut off internet communications in and out of the country.
If there is any justice, this Amerikan dictator will go down. Go down HARD with a rope around his neck!
Yesterday, Amerikan right-wing republican tea bagger radio was expressing sympathy toward Mubarak. We’ll see what the RATs have to say today.