Thursday, March 31, 2011

Don’t Like Pepco?

Hey D.C. (and Bethesda).  Say you don’t like Pepco? <

Light up!  (Say…what’s that I hear… <>)?

Oh?  Oh no?? 

 Oh well…don’t worry.  Be happy!

Tepco will keep you warm all winter, spring, summer, and fall (from the inside out).  You’ll get the minerals your body badly needs (Cesium-137 and Iodide-131) <>.  You’ll ‘trip the light fantastic’!  And, you won’t even need to tap Pepco anymore, because you’ll be your own reactor (and only half as radioactive as that right-wing meltdown:  Rush Rimbaugh)! 

Flashlight?  We don’ need no stink’n flashlights…

Oh, and you’ll be able to say:  “NOT IN MY BACKYARD!” with a new conviction, because your backyard will have become an ‘EVACYARD’.

But wait, there’s more.  What happens when the radioactive sea mutations join with the chips and other electronic parts of the various manufacturing facilities leveled by the tsunami? Yes, you know:  

Welcome to the next Krapitalist Atomik Age!

Tepco Fukashima <,0,5950026.story> is the epitome of the type of krapitalistic idiocy I’ve been talking about on this blog:   


B.  Companies not doing what they do because they have a passion for what they do, but doing it for a ‘quick buck’. 

C.  An International GOVCORP that ALWAYS lies

D.  A servile stupid populace that allows itself to be used and abused by corporations (see Tea Baggers). 

E.  Mealy-mouthed political ‘slicks’ who sellout to corporations as soon as the get elected (if they weren’t in the first place). 

Without some major change (soon), all of us working people are going to end up living in an industrial wasteland of Wal-Marts and McDonalds while our GOVCORP rulers live on private islands far far away (< >).  (This is what the wireless internet and the cloud facilitates.)  After that happens (and it really already has) the workers of the world won’t be able to even get near the elite (< >)

So, komrades, chcek this out:

(just follow the links to each part).

I like a little Aussie 'tale' now and then.  Aussies are definitely cooler than Amerikans.  Especially the ones who realize how amazing the aboriginal dreamtime is.  However, they’re major big time korporately F’d!  The telling phrase is what the mom says:  “They wouldn’t do it if it wasn’t safe.”  Checkout the white shirt uranium executive.  All lies and cover-up.  Then the dad says:  “This is Australia, not Zimbabwe, the government isn’t going to put our lives at risk.”  The son has it right:  “No one gives a shit about us!” 

One last thing.  Watch this:

 and this

I just realized the Atomic Bomb is the Tsunami.  

Welcome to Japan.


Monday, March 14, 2011

Riding the Ring of Fire

My condolences to all Japan, most particularly Sendai.  Let us also not forget Christchurch New Zealand.  Let us prepare our minds for Anchorage, San Francisco, Los Angles and all the other cities and towns riding the ring of fire (!

Man has lived in volcanic and earthquake regions for millennia and has enjoyed the benefits of arable land and bountiful seas.  Earthquakes and tsunamis are not tragedies.  They are just the price to be paid for riding the rings of fire!

However, now we have added a new passenger.   Consider these reports:

Our krapitalists (just as the Japanese’) are going to lie about the safety of our nukes just like they’ve lied about the decade long folly of George W. Bush, the Greenspan economic fraud, and the effects of the nuclear tests in the Pacific Ocean since the 1950s.  There is no way either the government or the corporations (let’s just call them GOVCORP for short, since they are really just one thing) will ever be ‘straight’ with us about the state of their reactors or how they would fare in a Sendai scenario.

We, the general public, are on our own!  

Nuclear reactors are INHERENTLY dangerous and I assure you, amerikan reactors are no better than their Japanese counterparts, no matter what anybody in GOVCORP has to say about it!  If they want to make such an assertion, let them PROVE it, as opposed to just asking us to trust them (again). 

I highly recommend that everyone that can, leave the areas around nuclear reactors on the west coast if not leave the west coast altogether.  Fallout from the Japanese reactors will reach the west coast of amerika and GOVCORP will never give you a straight assessment of the dangers associated with this.  Now, I am not suggesting a mass stampede off the coast, but an orderly movement out.  (I have no real estate interest on the w. coast.) 

Information is key!  Make social connections with researchers and workers in the various university geology and nuclear engineering departments.  Hold community meetings with these people on a regular basis and discuss evacuation plans and various earthquake damage and meltdown scenarios.  Cancel any long-term financial commitments that would tie you to the west coast.

I am also calling for a ban on any further nuclear reactor contracts or construction in the U.S. without stringent license approval procedures.  In the future, any organization that would seek a license to construct a reactor must first construct a full scale working reactor based on the design they wish to implement and then MELT IT DOWN so that its meltdown characteristics can be observed and the meltdown containment methods studied.  For this, GOVCORP (as if it would) should set aside a ‘nuclear reactor test range’ in the desert just like they did for nuclear weapons testing in the 50s and the 60s.  The testing should be performed underground just like all future nuclear reactors should be constructed.

That’s it gentle readers.  We’ll meet again, don’t know where, don’t know when…as:

I fell in to a burning ring of fire
I went down, down, down
and the flames went higher.
And it burns, burns, burns
the ring of fire
the ring of fire.

Johnny (Cash) Borrow

Friday, March 4, 2011

You Fracking Idiots!

I go away to study ‘right wing radio’ for a few weeks, and when I come back I discover we’re now in the business of generating radioactive drinking water (!  

Another triumph for quick fix Kraptialism! You fools, we've already tried this ( and it wasn't by side effect!  

Why can’t you people understand that ‘extracting’ hydrocarbons from deep in the Earth will always have real bad side effects for the surface life!  (Why do you think this krap is deep underground in the first place?  You think the Earth is as stupid as you are??)  The same thing goes for radioactive krap! 

Keep it up Krapitalists!  In due time, our whole krap way of life will be deep underground.  Our species will ultimately kill itself off with environmental genocide (unless we learn to live in space and draw on the energy from the sun) and plate tectonics will do the rest!  

Well…back to studying ‘right wing radio’.  Not much there really.  It’s a vast wasteland of the mind that makes commercial tv look like NPR! 

Oh, any of you living in the areas where you're getting fracked:  STOP DRINKING WELL WATER IMMEDIATELY!  Let me go further:  drinking well water anywhere in this country (without extensive testing every time you take a drink) is committing slow suicide.