Hey D.C. (and Bethesda ). Say you don’t like Pepco? < http://washingtonexaminer.com/local/dc/pepco039s-power-outages-infuriate-washingtonians >
Light up! (Say…what’s that I hear… <http://www.tepco.co.jp/en/customer/guide/earthqu-e.html>)?
Oh? Oh no??
Oh well…don’t worry. Be happy!
Tepco will keep you warm all winter, spring, summer, and fall (from the inside out). You’ll get the minerals your body badly needs (Cesium-137 and Iodide-131) <http://www.nytimes.com/2011/03/31/world/asia/31japan.html>. You’ll ‘trip the light fantastic’! And, you won’t even need to tap Pepco anymore, because you’ll be your own reactor (and only half as radioactive as that right-wing meltdown: Rush Rimbaugh)!
Flashlight? We don’ need no stink’n flashlights…
Oh, and you’ll be able to say: “NOT IN MY BACKYARD!” with a new conviction, because your backyard will have become an ‘EVACYARD’.
But wait, there’s more. What happens when the radioactive sea mutations join with the chips and other electronic parts of the various manufacturing facilities leveled by the tsunami? Yes, you know:
Welcome to the next Krapitalist Atomik Age!
Tepco Fukashima < http://www.latimes.com/news/science/la-sci-japan-reactor-damage-20110331,0,5950026.story> is the epitome of the type of krapitalistic idiocy I’ve been talking about on this blog:
A. Short term thinking (http://www.salon.com/news/feature/2011/03/17/japan_disaster_history_nuclear/index.html)
B. Companies not doing what they do because they have a passion for what they do, but doing it for a ‘quick buck’.
C. An International GOVCORP that ALWAYS lies.
D. A servile stupid populace that allows itself to be used and abused by corporations (see Tea Baggers).
E. Mealy-mouthed political ‘slicks’ who sellout to corporations as soon as the get elected (if they weren’t in the first place).
Without some major change (soon), all of us working people are going to end up living in an industrial wasteland of Wal-Marts and McDonalds while our GOVCORP rulers live on private islands far far away (<http://www.privateislandsmag.com/ >). (This is what the wireless internet and the cloud facilitates.) After that happens (and it really already has) the workers of the world won’t be able to even get near the elite (<http://www.privateislandsmag.com/2010/09/seven-star-seclusion-in-the-south-pacific/ >)
So, komrades, chcek this out:
(just follow the links to each part).
(just follow the links to each part).
I like a little Aussie 'tale' now and then. Aussies are definitely cooler than Amerikans. Especially the ones who realize how amazing the aboriginal dreamtime is. However, they’re major big time korporately F’d! The telling phrase is what the mom says: “They wouldn’t do it if it wasn’t safe.” Checkout the white shirt uranium executive. All lies and cover-up. Then the dad says: “This is Australia , not Zimbabwe , the government isn’t going to put our lives at risk.” The son has it right: “No one gives a shit about us!”
One last thing. Watch this:
and this
I just realized the Atomic Bomb is the Tsunami.
Welcome to Japan.
and this
I just realized the Atomic Bomb is the Tsunami.
Welcome to Japan.