Friday, April 15, 2011

John Boner And His Premium-Supporter

(Thank you Rachel!

You gotta love these hardy class warriors! 


But,  the question is:  Is Paul Ryan a premium-supporter for (a) John Boner? 

Probably, but who knows…although they do seem to work together rather well.   We do know one thing:  the Bonerites are dead set on destroying Social Security and Medicare!  Prez O stepped on their teabags one good yesterday!  Good for him.  Standing tall again?  

All this Bonerism and Tea Bagging goes back to the ‘conservative coalition’ < >.  Each time these scumbags roll into town, they go after unions, social security, and Medicare.  Consider how their great god,

 busted PATCO < > and started this whole de-unionization and off-shoring of good Amerikan union jobs, with those in the ‘solid south’.  I wonder if the workers ‘down there’ feel more secure than their parents did back in the 50s and 60s?  Probably not, for many reasons.  Oh well, whatever their fates, they keep on voting for RATS (Republicans And Tea baggerS) and they keep on getting what RATS serve up:  KRAPITALISM! 

Oh, and let us not forget that most ‘intellectual’ of amerikan krapitalist scum suckers, the CAT TOE Institute for (more) 100% USBS (like the beef).  Consider their ‘Project On Social Security Privatization’ or, as they now spin it: 

Here’s where they’ve stuffed most of their trash on this issue:

The upshot of all of this trash is that they’re going to give you a real ‘choice’: 

  1. all your SS contributions gone (stolen by the Wall Street operators) AND/OR
  2. no monthly SS check! 


I think there’s a message in all this CAT TOE Crap to all us non-rich working people:  Suck It Up, it’s the free market at work!

Well…I’ve got a message for them: 

Thursday, April 14, 2011

What To Do With The Massive Surplus Of The John Borrow Economic Plan

The economic plan I have proposed (unlike the Paul Ryan plan) will start to generate projected surpluses within two tax cycles given the effects of its twin deficit reduction engines:  across the board equal cuts and revenue enhancement.  Remember:  how much every governmental activity gets cut each round and how often the cutting rounds occur will be up to the President and the Congress.  Also, shuffling the funding of various government programs between each round of cuts could be done to keep some marginally funded programs from being completely eliminated in the early rounds of cutting.  This provides the ‘scalpel’ Obama wants to wield instead of a scythe.  I prefer the scythe metaphor.  Nothing stops the sweep of the scythe except reaching the desired deficit level!  Every round, every program spends less.  Every round, more revenue is brought in by increases in taxation and inclusion of higher income brackets into Social Security. 

So, what to do with the increased revenues?

It wouldn’t make much sense to plow them right back into programs that are just going to get cut at some point.  The thing to do with these funds is:  form a rock solid ultra stable bank!  Let’s call it:  The First National Federal Bank of America (FNFBA).  (Note, no ‘k’ in Amerika this time.  Why?  Because the FNFBA cuts the kleptomania out of the banking!)

The FNFBA would be its own Glass-Stiegel Act < > and be completely isolated from Wall Street.  No loans would be issued to support Wall Street trading.  It could not be bought or sold by law.  Its board and executives would consist of government employees on the GS schedule, so there would be no excessive salaries and NO BONUSES whatsoever.  The FNFBA would be a peoples’ bank, not a bank to support corporate shenanigans!   It would provide savings accounts, checking accounts, retirement annuities, mortgages, education loans, personal loans, and loans to non-profit community efforts like medical service collectives and non-profit community hospitals.  It would not charge ridiculous fees for overdrafts or late payments as do ALL commercial banks.  It would not charge ridiculous interest rates for loans at the same time it ‘stiffs’ its savers on savings interest rates, like ALL commercial banks!  It would not provide credit cards.  It would NOT provide services to shelter the rich man’s money from taxation!

The money flowing into the FNFBA would be enormous and quickly overtake all commercial banks.  And when the commercial banks fail on the next round of corporate executive frauds, the FNFBA will be unaffected, except for the influx of money to escape corporate bank ‘failures’.  The FNFBA would be the cornerstone of a solid new middle class.  Its motto could be something like: 

No rich, No poor.  Just a solid middle class for America! 

The FNFBA would be ‘green’ and a good neighbor, in every community it served, by providing ‘solid middle class wage jobs’ to all employees.  It would employee thousands of people nationwide and participate in collective bargaining with its workers.   A place for our money, safe and sound. What do you think, America?

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

How to Reduce the U.S. Budget Deficit After The Economy Has Been Sacked By Texas Oilmen and Wall Street Bankers

One way to get out of a mortgage that’s ‘underwater’ is to burn the mortgaged house to the ground.  However, even if you don’t end up in jail, you end up with nowhere to live and you run the risk of burning out your neighbors as well.  On top of that, you’ll still end up owing the money because a mortgage is a contract with a bank, not a house.  Burning your house to the ground is exactly what trying to balance the national deficit by cuts alone is!  (Maybe a better metaphor is:  taking an axe to a great sequoia tree.)  Trying to balance the national budget deficit < > by cutting without raising revenue is a fool’s errand because there’s not enough to cut without creating an army of very poor very sick and homeless people without a future!  It is quite likely such cuts could cause an immediate ‘double dip recession’ like that when FDR was cowed into cutting spending < >. 

The way to reduce (or even eliminate) the deficit is ‘balance’!  Let me show you how.

The ‘balance’ which I’m suggesting, involves balancing cuts with revenue raising.   There are four parts.

First, the cost of everything thing the federal government spends our taxes on must be laid out in plain sight.  Where these things involve activities the government just can’t stand to show the world, these costs can be itemized under code names.  However, if the government cannot be honest about how much it actually spends on secret endeavors, then the whole effort fails at the start and the economy is simply on its way to collapse.

Second, every field of economic activity in our society must be scrutinized to see where revenue can be raised without hurting the general public or economy.  This scrutiny should result in a range of quantitative models which can be simulated to show various cuts balanced with new taxation would affect the economy.

Third, cutting by the rounds:  For a number of rounds, a cut amount is decided and applied to every activity and expenditure currently performed by the government.  No program is exempt and every program takes the same ‘hit’!  (This eliminates the politicking and posturing.)   Again, if this can’t be done honestly and forthrightly, then the whole effort fails.

Fourth, for each round, after cutting all government projects by a chosen amount, a tax equal to the amount of the cut is applied to a range of economic activities or transactions. Let’s say we decide to cut a $1 million from every program or agency in the government at round 1.  Then a $1 million tax increase is distributed over everything from payrolls to stock market transactions to estate taxes to executive pay and bonuses and tax loopholes and corporate taxes.  No income generator is spared.  (After a certain number of rounds, tax loopholes simply evaporate.)

Fifth, repeat First-Fourth until the deficit reduction target is obtained.

This is balanced deficit reduction!   Cuts across all government programs are balanced against each other so that no part of the government is favored.  And then the cuts are balanced with increases in revenue so that neither cuts nor increases in revenue are favored. 

This approach provides two engines working in parallel to perturb the economic dynamical system.  The goal is to alter the trajectory the system is on until it wanders into a volume of phase space where it can orbit in a sustainable way that benefits the whole American population rather than a few against many as plans, such as the Paul Ryan economic plan < ,> does by reducing the deficit by cutting only those things that poor and working class Americans (i.e., the politically powerless) depend upon.  

This balanced approach will also quickly put the brakes on all the reckless arbitrariness in cutting as some project or program ‘dear and near’ to everyone will be cut on each round of cuts.    

I hope President Obama reads this (or hears about it from one of his aids) and requires a rigorous technical implementation of this plan.  What has been missing from the budgetary process, so far, has been technical rigor.  Where are the computer simulations, mathematical proofs, and round table discussions between the best and brightest mathematical economists in the country, if not the world?  This effort should be like our space program of the 1960s, a serious scientific and engineering undertaking.

That’s it for tonight, and a good night to you all and all our ships at sea.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

The Civil War

Ostensibly, the U.S. Civil War lasted from April 12, 1861 to April 9, 1865 (last shot fired June 1865) <>.  However, ‘the North’ never did punish the southerners who took up arms against the Union.  Grant was such a sniveling weasel that he did not require Lee to surrender his sword and horse!  Then ‘reconstruction’ <> gave way to ‘redemption’ < ,> through the ‘corrupt bargain’ <> or ‘Compromise of 1877’! 

So, when was the CSA brought to justice?  Answer:  NEVER!

After Lincoln’s assassination Andrew Johnson <> became president and let the rebels go free.

Northern anger over the assassination of Lincoln and the immense human cost of the war led to demands for harsh policies. Vice President Andrew Johnson had taken a hard line and spoke of hanging rebel Confederates. In late April 1865, he was noted telling an Indiana delegation that, "Treason must be made odious ... traitors must be punished and impoverished ... their social power must be destroyed." However, when he succeeded Lincoln as president, Johnson took a much softer line, commenting, "I say, as to the leaders, punishment. I also say leniency, reconciliation and amnesty to the thousands whom they have misled and deceived," and ended up pardoning many Confederate leaders.

Although strongly urged by moderates in Congress to sign the Civil Rights bill, Johnson broke decisively with them by vetoing it on March 27. His veto message objected to the measure because it conferred citizenship on the freedmen at a time when eleven out of thirty-six states were unrepresented and attempted to fix, by federal law, "a perfect equality of the white and black races in every State of the Union." Johnson said it was an invasion by federal authority of the rights of the states; it had no warrant in the Constitution and was contrary to all precedents. It was a "stride toward centralization and the concentration of all legislative power in the national government."[24] Johnson, in a letter to Gov. Thomas C. Fletcher of Missouri, wrote, "This is a country for white men, and by God, as long as I am President, it shall be a government for white men."

The Democratic Party, proclaiming itself the party of white men, North and South, aligned with Johnson.[26] However, the Republicans in Congress overrode his veto (the Senate by the vote of 35:19, the House by 126:47) and the Civil Rights measure became law.

One of Johnson's last significant acts was granting unconditional amnesty to all Confederates on Christmas Day, December 25, 1868, after the election of Ulysses S. Grant to succeed him, but before Grant took office in March 1869. Earlier amnesties, requiring signed oaths and excluding certain classes of people, had been issued by Lincoln and by Johnson.

That was pretty much it, as for brining the CSA to justice.  After that:

The Democrats benefited from white Southerners' resentment of Reconstruction after the war and consequent hostility to the Republican Party. After Redeemers ended Reconstruction in the 1870s, and the extremely violent disenfranchisement of African Americans took place in the 1890s, the South, voting Democratic, became known as the "Solid South." Though Republicans won all but two presidential elections, the Democrats remained competitive. The party was dominated by pro-business Bourbon Democrats led by Samuel J. Tilden and Grover Cleveland, who represented mercantile, banking, and railroad interests; opposed imperialism and overseas expansion; fought for the gold standard; opposed bimetallism; and crusaded against corruption, high taxes, and tariffs. Cleveland was elected to non-consecutive presidential terms in 1884 and 1892.

And then it was just a matter of the rise of the ‘conservative coalition’ 
and the success of the ‘the southern strategy’ 
riding on the notion of “states’ rights” 
to get us to where we are now:  

The New Civil War!

We are two cultures in one geo-political entity, let’s say a:  scientific rationalist materialist (liberal) culture and religious social (conservative) colonialist culture.  We have only our history in common and there is nothing important in that, that we can agree on (except to continue to disagree).  Liberals base their understanding of the world on scientific observation and logical proof.  Conservatives base theirs on religious faith and ‘common sense’.  Liberals are idealist, who assert that man and the world is perfectible.  Conservatives hold to the notion that all men are born corrupted (‘born in sin’) and that the world is a natural horror to be dominated by men (and their god).  Liberals want to use technology to elevate our understanding of ourselves and the cosmos.  Conservatives want to use technology ‘to make money’.   (Conservatives want to use the whole world to make money!)  Liberals are creators.  Conservatives are destroyers.  (They ARE destroying the whole to make money!  Wonder what they think they’re going to do with the money once the whole world is turned into a radioactive industrial trash heap?)  Liberals and conservatives have no grounds of agreement and there is no reason for either to compromise their ideals. 

(From the point of view of this blog:  conservatives are completely f….ed in the mind—and ‘soul’—and liberals must stand their ground and never yield to the evil corruption of conservatism!)

The attack on the federal government by the conservatives represents the ongoing attempt of the CSA (or what’s left of it) to destroy the Union and free the southern states to return to ‘the old ways’. The face of the New Solid South is a tea bagging conservative ‘corporate lobbyist type’ turned congressman  (e.g., <>)  with a plan to bring down the public’s last (albeit weak and sniveling) defense from corporate corruption—the federal government.  I don’t know about you, but I hear a lot of southern accents (<>) among these ‘republicans’ and tea baggers (or RATS).  Sounds like ‘the ole south’ to me! 

Of course, ‘the North’ was never a great bastion of civil rights supporters:

"Forced busing" was a term used by many to describe the mandates that generally came from the courts. Court-ordered busing to achieve school desegregation was used mainly in large, ethnically segregated school systems, including Boston, Massachusetts; Cleveland, Ohio; Columbus, Ohio; Kansas City, Missouri; Pasadena, California; Richmond, Virginia; San Francisco, California; Detroit, Michigan; and Wilmington, Delaware. From 1972 to 1980, despite busing, the percentage of blacks attending mostly-black schools barely changed, moving from 63.6% to 63.3%.

So it was easy for the war to go ‘underground’ and out of sight for most of white amerika. So while The Civil war is no longer a ‘War between the States’ <> it is a sustained attack on ‘The New Deal’ <> and ‘civil rights’ <>.  Secret wars, illegal wars (e.g., Iraq), military spending deficits on secret mil-toys (which are crap and will never see the light of day),  Wall Street insider trading fraud, bank credit fraud, and mortgage broker frauds, police intimidation, racial profiling, illegal surveillance on US citizens, and undue use of police force against blacks are all parts of a whole to subvert our country’s ideals (see <>) and take us back to corporate colonies <>. 

The goals of the conservatives are just two:

(A)    plunge the country into debt (which was accomplished by W) and

(B)     eliminate the federal government leaving only the CSA dominated military-intelligence-corporate-complex in charge.

Mostly what you’ll see carrying out this process is business suited cotton mouths, but lest you forget, the New CSA is also armed to teeth and read to strike at any time!  Their armed groups are now formed into hundreds of militias, gun clubs, training facilities, and loose organizations of thousands of battle hardened conservative men who have returned from our foreign wars from Viet Nam to Afghanistan (as well as ‘secret wars’ throughout Central and South America).

Thus, there’s no reason to celebrate or commemorate The Civil War next Tuesday, since you’re still in it!  When it is over, the Chinese will pick over the bones and wonder why amerika went so stupid so fast.  What they won’t know (unless they’ve read this blog) is:  it wasn’t fast

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

The ‘Government Shutdown’ is Not A Shutdown

It is a TEA BAGGING REPUBLICAN government  L O C K O U T  ! 

Do any of you remember what a lockout is?  No?

“A lockout is a work stoppage in which an employer prevents employees from working.” 

 The Repub House, now in charge of the budget, is now the employer of the government. 

Paul Ryan <> and his Krazy Kraker Klowne tea bagging Koalition lead the lockout charge.  Remember them come November!

Ryan’s ‘Off-Ramp for Amerika’ <> is just another Heritage Foundation Ponzi scheme for the ongoing Wall Street insider trading frauds.  Completely bogus.  Balance the fraud on the backs of the poor! The numbers come out of some part of his anatomy and there is not one increase in taxes on the income or estates of the upper classes of the US population (who control more than 90% of the wealth in amerika) or their corporations, e.g.:

This is what I call:       KRAPITALISM !

Ryan and his swine flu want workers, non-whites, the poor, and children on their knees!

Have you taken note of Vermont’s new child labor rate?

First these swine smash state workers’ collective bargaining < >  Then they come looking to do the same to federal workers!  This is one of the darkest moments in the ongoing class war (indenturtude, slavery, company towns, wage slavery, jim crow, welfare, red-lining’, ‘no child left a behind’, …) that is amerika! 

Republican quasi-fascist (i.e., anti-communist, anti-democratic, anti-liberal, anti-parliamentary, and anti-proletarian…anti:  egalitarianism, materialism, and rationalism, pro:  hierarchy and religion) scum are on the march.  

It is now that we who believe that this country has more of a future than just being a colony of some rich republicans must take a stand! 

The party of:  Nixon, Reagan, and Bush is nothing more than a malignant mass of korrupt krap that seeks to turn Amerika into a nation of RICH and POOR!  And you know what role the poor will play!  What role YOU will play!

THEIR motto for us (the non-rich and non-conservative) is:  ARBEIT MACHT FREI!

MY motto (for them) is:  SCREW YOU  R I C H  !  (You’ve got all you’ve got coming.)

From here, we must be very clear that we are in a full up CLASS WAR and that we are losing!  We must take every opportunity to tramp down the rich and lift up the workers and the poor in order to become a solid middle class nation again!