The repubs are full of more BS than a Christmas Turkey
(oh…merry xmas). I keep hearing this
Romney clown
say that ‘equality of opportunity’ is more important that ‘equality
of wealth’ and is the only social initiative that the government should
support. Now wait! Let’s think about this a bit.
If you are rich and you have children you love, aren’t you
going to do everything that you can to get them into the best schools and from
there into the best jobs? Is having a
lot of money going to get in the way of that effort? Are you going to ask your children to get to
the back of the line because their GPA is too low? Are the schools in the district you live in going to be worse
than the schools where poor blacks live?
Answer: NO!
Being rich means you live in a rich neighborhood which has
the property tax resources to buy the best education a state system can provide. And if that’s not good enough, the rich can
keep their kids in private school from nursery to graduate school. No one is making any argument that this is
not true. Anyone out there like to argue that this is false?
Let’s get this completely clear! The rich automatically have more opportunity
than the poor, because (under capitalism---i like to call it kraptialism, because it's mostly crap or krap, if you add the kleptocracy) more money can buy more (and better) stuff than less
money. The amount of money you can spend
on something is directly proportional to the amount and quality of that
something you get! MONEY is the most
important thing to have in this society.
Money is key to the quality of prenatal care you get, the quality of justice you get, the quality of medical care you get, the quality of education you get, the car you drive, the house you
live in, and (closing the loop) the quality of neighborhood you live in. Anyone out there like to argue that this is false?
If you don’t think so, then what else provides you with more
opportunity? Intelligence? Morality?
Knowledge? Who is the majority at
the top of GOVCORP? The wealthy or the
intelligent? The rich or the
poor? Look at congress for an answer to
that question!
Further, check out the article on wealth in Wikipedia:
The lower class
Those with the least amount of wealth are the welfare poor.
(see underclass) Wealth accumulation for this class
is to some extent prohibited. People that receive AFDC transfers cannot own more than a
trivial amount of assets, in order to be eligible and remain qualified for
income transfers. Most of the institutions that the welfare poor encounter
discourage any accumulation of assets.
There you have it.
The members of the lower class are deliberately kept in that class
(maybe for some twisted crap religious belief that the poor will always be amongst us...or
So, if you understand all of the above, then you can clearly see
that there will never be equality of opportunity without wealth equality! Everything you’ll hear from the
conservatives, on this subject, will try to deny that money is
opportunity. They look really stupid
(i.e., they look like what they are) trying to make this argument in the face of
all of history. Where in history has
money or wealth of some kind or the other not provided more food, more power, more
health, and most importantly, more leisure?
Quite obviously, the conservative, tea bagging, repub
argument is RUBBISH! Just like their
arguments about ‘American Exceptionalism’ and their foreign policy. But, I’ll leave these for another episode of
‘Republican BUNK’!