Mitt Romney is an L-7 Wolly Bully peice of REPUB CRAP!
Mitt Bully
Gay Bashing Mitt
Actually, he's the perfect Repub candidate:
a war monger like Goldwater (AuH2O),
a habitual liar like Nixon (Tricky Dickie),
a big square jawed ofay like Ford (Just A Ford) (but with a Rambler (Rambler Man) for a dad),
a corporate (20 Mule Team Borax--makes your sheets ‘whiter‘) shill like Reagan (Raygun),
an out of touch aristocrat like H. W. Bush (HW), and
a man who had the same attitude toward Osama bin Laden (Osama) as W (W).
Folks, there's nothing on The Right. (Never has been. Never will be.)
Mitt should quit, before more of his garbage becomes like…(it rhymes with sit and hit, but I just can’t say it).
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