Tuesday, July 14, 2009

the queen of ditz

sarah palin is america’s queen of ditz! (long live the queen.) my god is that woman scatter brained:

alaska's mission - to contribute to america. we're strategic in the world as the air crossroads of the world, as a gatekeeper of the continent. bold visionaries knew this - alaska would be part of america's great destiny.
our destiny to be reached by responsibly developing our natural resources. this land, blessed with clean air, water, wildlife, minerals, and oil and gas. it's energy! god gave us energy.
so to serve the state is a humbling responsibility, because i know in my soul that alaska is of such import, for america's security, in our very volatile world. and you know me by now, i promised even four years ago to show my independence... no more conventional "politics as usual".

life is too short to compromise time and resources... it may be tempting and more comfortable to just keep your head down, plod along, and appease those who demand: "sit down and shut up", but that's the worthless, easy path; that's a quitter's way out. and a problem in our country today is apathy. it would be apathetic to just hunker down and "go with the flow".

nah, only dead fish "go with the flow".

no. productive, fulfilled people determine where to put their efforts, choosing to wisely utilize precious time... to build up.
and there is such a need to build up and fight for our state and our country. i choose to fight for it! and i'll work hard for others who still believe in free enterprise and smaller government; strong national security for our country and support for our troops; energy independence; and for those who will protect freedom and equality and life... i'll work for and campaign for those proud to be american, and those who are inspired by our ideals and won't deride them.

i will support others who seek to serve, in or out of office, for the right reasons, and i don't care what party they're in or no party at all. inside alaska - or outside alaska. but i won't do it from the governor's desk.

i've never believed that i, nor anyone else, needs a title to do this - to make a difference... to help people. so i choose, for my state and my family, more "freedom" to progress, all the way around... so that alaska may progress... i will not seek re-election as governor.

and so as i thought about this announcement that i wouldn't run for re-election and what it means for alaska, i thought about how much fun some governors have as lame ducks... travel around the state, to the lower 48 (maybe), overseas on international trade - as so many politicians do. and then i thought - that's what's wrong - many just accept that lame duck status, hit the road, draw the paycheck, and "milk it".

i'm not putting alaska through that - i promised efficiencies and effectiveness! ? that's not how i am wired. i am not wired to operate under the same old "politics as usual." i promised that four years ago - and i meant it.

say what???????????

i guess that means she’s gone for a while! too bad, she was a great spokesman for the repubs. she could really clear the air.

can any of you, my gentle readers, image palin taking the heat that sotomayor is taking during these hearings/lynchings? can any of you imagine palin handling the questions presented with the cool logic sotomayor exhibits?

there’re about a million unkind things that could be said about palin, but i’ll pass due to time constraints.

now, ross douthat’s opines that: “sarah palin is beloved by millions because her rise suggested…that the old american aphorism about how anyone can grow up to be president might actually be true.” (see the NEW YORK TIMES OP-ED MONDAY, JULY 6, 2009)

well that may be true, but if ‘anyone’ hasn’t mastered history, science, philosophy, rhetoric, math, economics, law, and u.s. politics to, at least, an undergraduate level; it is hard to see what they could contribute as president. sarah palin shows no mastery of any of these things. and, if you believe that how a person speaks is some evidence of how they think, then you can easily see how palin would have been an utter disaster as president or even vice president.

(oh, i have not forgotten the king ditz: that eccentrically silly, giddy, and inane old man…who suspended a presidential campaign—for a day or two—to solve an economic crisis. what a hero!)


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