Monday, May 16, 2011

View to a Kill 3

(This is becoming a veritable franchise!)

Obama promised us a picture of the bullet riddled head of Osama bin Landen.  Did he think such a picture would be proof of the death of bin Laden?  Hard to say.  Obama rescinded the offer almost immediately after he made it.  Obama may be the smartest guy in the White House since Richard Nixxon.

However, for the rest of us (of ordinary endowments) living in the age of Photoshop, a picture is no proof of anything.  The same, of course, goes for sound recordings, film, video, and any other medium of communication.  As far as testimonials go, they’ve been known to be completely worthless ever since people became aware of how the repetition of a story by different story tellers becomes ever more altered on each telling.

If Obama threw Osama into the sea, then the least ‘fakeable’ artifact, that could have been used to prove that the SEAL mission took place in the (ever changing) way the official narrative describes, has been lost. 

That being the case:  nobody’s description of events is any more credible than anybody else’s!  (Don’t ask me to trust you, I don’t even know you.)

Further, explanations coming from the military and the intelligence communities are the LEAST credible as these communities are trained, sworn, and very well paid to cover up the ‘reality’ of all sorts of events and situations and things.  Their very raison d’être rules out their ever giving a complete and truthful account of any efforts they undertake.  Then, there’s the matter of ‘psychological warfare’ or ‘psyops’ (  And last, but not least, information in the intel communities is ‘compartmented’ (on a ‘need to know’ basis) so that nobody but a handful of ‘people’ at the tops of the various agencies and contracting corporations know ‘the whole story’ (so that they may be able to manipulate—for a time—our general understanding history).  I almost wrote, “our common understanding of history”, until I realized (a second later) that the mil-intel-corporate community’s understanding of history is replete with testimonials of their efforts and actions (including ‘counter-intelligence’ and 'psyops') while the history known to those outside of that community has those testimonials redacted!

So, here we all are.  All of us, freed from the truth by the secrecy and lies of our, so called, leaders! 

(Oh, by the way, never let anyone in the mil-intel-police-corporate community put you ‘on the line’ to ‘tell the truth’.  What could that even mean in their world where they manufacture ‘the truth’ as part of their secret business!  Compelling us to ‘tell the truth’ is just a form of intimidation or ‘sick kicks’!  Just remember:  whatever you think ‘the truth’ is, it is probably something else and the mil-intel-police-corporate community can make anything they want out of what you think!  The police and the courts do it to ‘inner city youth’ on a routine basis with barely a whimper from the press or ‘the general public’--

So, let me proffer a conjecture.

I find it absolutely non-credible that the CIA, NSA, and Mil Intel would go to all the trouble and effort they assert they put into finding Osama (including moving in next door) just to kill Osama! 

Could the president and the mil-intel ‘leadership’ be so STUPID as to ORDER a kill for the one guy who could:   (a) explain what Al-Qaeda is currently ‘cooking up’, (b) describe Al-Qaeda’s whole communications network, (c) describe all of the ‘up and coming’ talent that’s been recruited over that last few years, (d) explain how he and his associates pulled off 911, and LAST BUT NOT LEAST:  (e) explain the relationship between Al-Qaeda and Pakistan’s ISI (especially since we seem to be itching to go to war with Pakistan over this question)?

Now, let’s say the president and the mil-intel ‘leadership’ weren’t so stupid and ordered the CIA/SEAL team to capture Osama.  Then the question becomes:  was Team 6 (or whoever) so incompetent that they FUBAR’d the mission and killed Osama (and the wife he threw at them)?  And, if the CIA/SEAL team FUBAR’d the mission, wouldn’t they cover it up?  And even if they didn’t, wouldn’t the so called, leaders, cover it up?

So, PrezO, which is it?  You or Team whoever?  Or both?  Is it stupidity or just incompetence requiring a cover up?

Or…are you lying??? 

It would be contradictory to ask you to ‘tell the truth’, given what I wrote above.  So, I’ll just leave things at this question.

However, guess what:


Osama simply got tired of being sidelined and imprisoned by his associates, who had turned against him, and rejected his suggestions for future operations.  He used his couriers to make an arrangement with the CIA to ‘spring’ him and cover up the fact.  His family will probably get some of that $25M bounty.  (We’ll have to keep an eye on how well they live in the future.)

While the SEALS’ mouths are sealed and the CIA is ‘completely innocent always’ and NSA has ‘no such awareness’, Obama knows (something), and it’s eating at his ‘liberal soul, brother’ to tell the truth!  (Wait a minute…that again!  Why does this keep coming up??)  On second thought, given PrezO’s success record at keeping his campaign promises…maybe not so much.

Whatever…the easiest conjecture is that this lie will eat at the heart of the next Obama administration, just as the Kennedy assassination did Johnson’s and Watergate did Nixon’s.  And, roughly around the same time that historians find out that Oswald didn’t kill Kennedy (by himself, at least), they’ll find that Osama bin Laden died an older man under WITSEC somewhere in the Nevada desert and got a proper burial for his part in bringing down Al-Qaeda.

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