Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Jonestown USA

You have a choice.  It's a sorry choice.  (But it's not too late!)

On one side we have a democrat who is well
meaning but too weak to control the forces of corporate
authoritarianism that surround him and are ripping the country
to pieces.  He's a sad and probably embittered figure,

but the best we've got at the moment.

On the other side we have the very voice of the Racist Authoritarian
Traitors (i.e., RATs) of Amerika:  Let's listen to him lie his pants off:

He's so smooth.

So, there we go.  If we (that is, WHITE AMERIKA) make the wrong choice, we go down the path to ruin.

Want to see ruin?  Remember Jonestown? No, well read on: Jonestown.

The ignorance, stupidity, and desperation, of some of the 47% of that time, led them to follow a smooth authoritarian liar

 of the left down a rabbit hole.

Let's listen in:  A Long Death Tape

So, why not try another authoritarian liar (this time, of the right)?

Just ask the people of Jonestown.  I think they'd tell you...if they could!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Back From Africa

I have been in Africa for a while, and I have seen your Future!

So I return from Africa and what do I view?  A mild mannered little boy getting hammered by a hard driving pathological right-wing liar on the sell!

Hammered by a man, called by his own people:  an ‘etch a sketch‘!  Obama (O) couldn’t even shake him up!!  Wuz up wit dat?

Wuz up wit dis?

Doesn’t O realize that Mitt is just a businessman who will promise anything, say anything, and be anything that will ‘close the sale’?  Doesn’t O know that Mitt is nothing?

On certain days Mitt is moderate.  On other days, Mitt is HARD RIGHT!  Willing to go to nuclear war (with the Likud) against Iran!

On certain days Mitt is for women‘s reproductive rights.  On other days, he’ll vote to cut off funding of Planned Parenthood.

Can’t O get it together, or is he just tired of the whole mess?

Just tired of Conservative White America’s hatred.    Just tired of  a dumbed down public that knows no history, no science, no math, nothing of economics, and couldn’t find Iraq on a map (unmarked, of course) if their lives depended on it.  (I wonder if W now can?)   Or is O secretly smiling at something?

Looking at O vs. Mitt 1 made me think that O is ready to let Amerika shoot itself in the head while O puts an ocean between himself and this stinking sinking mess by returning to Hawaii (or possibly, even, Indonesia or Ireland or Africa?)  Obama has many homes…as Mitt has homes for his money. But what of us left behind?

That’s right:  Vote for Mitt because: MITT AIN’T SHIT!

Now, that’s what makes him a perfect captain of the ship of state (as it goes down, down, down…).

Just think of the symbolism!  Mitt’s at the wheel.  All the rich folk are up in ‘first class’ partying and drinking the finest champagne.  The humbled middle class is in second class.  The downtrodden workers are in steerage.  Along comes a storm and Mitt comes on the intercom:  “All is well, I’m in charge.”  A little while later, a rescue boat comes along.  About an hour passes and then Mitt comes on the intercom:  "All is well…for free enterprise!  I have worked out a deal.  I have purchased the rescue boat, and its crew, and am taking the place of its captain.  The rescue boat captain (a man of renown in the rescue business) will take my place as captain of state.  I, and a few select passengers, have already boarded the rescue boat, which is now departing.  We wish all of you, the remaining passengers and crew of this fine ship of state, the fondest farewell and the best of wishes.  We know you will all land on your feet."

So, let me show you how you will ‘land on your feet’ after even one term of Mitt in the WH and the Teabaggers in charge of the HOR.  (Hmmm, that’s just missing two letters, a ‘W’ and an ‘E’.)  This is what I saw in Africa.  (The pictures are not mine, but represent well what I saw.)

It's Your Vote, but it's OUR future...