You have a choice. It's a sorry choice. (But it's not too late!)
On one side we have a democrat who is well
meaning but too weak to control the forces of corporate
authoritarianism that surround him and are ripping the country
to pieces. He's a sad and probably embittered figure,

but the best we've got at the moment.
On the other side we have the very voice of the Racist Authoritarian
Traitors (i.e., RATs) of Amerika: Let's listen to him lie his pants off:
He's so smooth.
So, there we go. If we (that is, WHITE AMERIKA) make the wrong choice, we go down the path to ruin.
Want to see ruin? Remember Jonestown? No, well read on: Jonestown.
The ignorance, stupidity, and desperation, of some of the 47% of that time, led them to follow a smooth authoritarian liar
Let's listen in: A Long Death Tape
So, why not try another authoritarian liar (this time, of the right)?

Just ask the people of Jonestown. I think they'd tell you...if they could!
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