Monday, August 24, 2009

The Summer of Hate!

This was supposed to be a of ‘summer of love’ ( , It didn’t turn out that way.

Summer 2009 has become the summer of angry white republican party mobs roaming the American landscape looking to castrate a feckless president who does not seem able to distinguish friend from foe. In his attempts to ‘tack left’ then ‘tack right’ at strategic points, Obama has ‘come-off’ just looking like a leaf blowing in the wind.

He has backed himself into a corner as he has no friends on the right and he is fast losing what support he could have counted on, on the left ( ;

He is a man losing control. Perhaps, this is an important test for anyone who would be president. Their, existential moment.

But, make no mistake about it! The mob knows! The mob can smell it! They can smell the fear of man who has backed himself into a corner. They thrive upon it, revel in it. Obama is coming apart. Just what the 'right' wants.

But, there is more! These republican mobs are not just hostile to the president, they are armed and dangerous!!

With the calls for armed insurrection ringing from the Hill ( and Obama, in his infinite wisdom, allowing people to come to town halls armed (,0,1613427.story), it is only a matter of time before these mobs kill someone (!

In being sanguine about all of this, Obama is risking all of us!!! Imagine what would happen in every major city in this country if Obama got shot by some vile and ignorant republican rabble! There would be no safe haven. It would be the Red Summer of 1919 again (

This must stop.

If there is any place that Obama should know he must stand his ground and get tough with the right-wing, it should be to protect his own life! Now, he might view himself as some cross between ‘transformative’ men like Gandhi, King, and Reagan. He might view himself as a martyr.

Well, if you do, Obama, do it somewhere else!!!!!!!!!!!! Try a little walk in the country over in the Helmand valley (take a pipe and a copy of the Rig Vedas--

No, he must put us, the American people, before himself!

He must put in place a civil emergency order (as civility is breaking down everywhere these meetings are being held), banning all guns (not in the hands of law-enforcement personnel) from town hall meetings IMMEDIATELY!

Why? Just look who's 'waiting in the wings': (

yeah, well..."yippie-kai-yay motherf**kers"!

more later...(allah willing and tikrit don't rise)

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