Monday, December 6, 2010

Twilight Of A Presidency

Once we had hope for a change.  For once, we on the left, had someone to vote for, rather than a field of cabbages to vote against. For a moment, we had hope.  For a moment…it seemed that we could…have rational and fair domestic governance and a balanced approach to international affairs.  I thought one man would usher in a new age of science and reason and compassion.  I (in my secret heart of hearts) hoped that we might have had, at least, one last chance to pull back from the abyss that is the legacy of Nixon-Reagan-Bush (and, of lesser consideration, Clinton).  

 I (we) put all our hope for this change on one person:  Barack Hussein Obama II.  But we were to be brutalized and raped (yet again) like some virgin whore, pimped out to every two faced pol pulling up in a big black Cadillac looking for that sweet sweet candy lick.  Oh yeah, Obama (now prez0) told us one thing, but if you looked carefully at who he brought to the party, you could have known what was going to happen next.  Yeah, it was 'the best and the brightest' (again):  Tax dodging Timmy, Larry (the hitman) Summers, Benny Bernanke, and some goddamed republican:  Gates!  WTF??????????

Yesterday marked the end of a historic presidency of waffling, groveling, shuffling miscommunication, bafflement, befuddlement, and reneging.  So, let us now remember the immortal lyrics of the old Cream song ‘Politician’ by Jack Bruce and Pete Brown:

Hey, hey now baby, get into my big black car.
Hey now baby, get into my big black car.
I wanna just show you what my politics are.

I’m a political man and I practice what I preach.
I’m a political man and I practice what I preach.
So don’t deny me baby, not while you’re in my reach.
<<hmm…sounds like what prez0’s bag man, Billbo Clinton, would say!>>>

I support the left, tho' I'm leanin', leanin’ to the right.
I support the left, tho' I'm leanin' to the right.
But I'm just not there when, when it's coming to a fight.
<<oh yeah, we know that now!  so…>>

Hey now baby, get into my big black car.
Hey now baby, get into my big black car
I wanna just show you what my politics are.
Hey, hey, hey
I wanna just show you what my politics are.

Can you feel it?  Can YOU   FEEL   IT!  Oh yes.  Oh yes.  Yes I can.  YES I CAN!  I  CAN  FEEEEEL IT!

wait... for it

prez0 has caved on everything he said he stood for in his campaign!  He’s now given these stinking republican billionaires a tax cut on their Bush Billionaire Bailout Bonuses!!  So…what can you say to all of this?

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

IT Happens

well...there's only one thing to say about this election:  



enjoy it!

Monday, November 1, 2010

National Suicide

Tomorrow begins the suicide of what could have been a great nation.  A nation gifted with the wealth of European intellectualism that could have taken us to the stars.  A  nation that could have repaired the effects of the great crimes upon which it was founded (i.e., the genocide of the native American, the enslavement of black Americans, and the wanton rape of the environment) with the vast wealth generated by its farms and factories and mines and accumulated by its rich and powerful.  Tomorrow though, lower and middle class white Americans will begin the process of bringing the corrupt and powerful back into complete control of all branches of the American government.  The party of the American right wing, the republican party, the party of corrupt and powerful Americans, will continue its efforts to establish, for all time, an aristocracy whose quality of life is so far removed from that of Americans who must work to survive that its operative nature will not even be understandable( in the next few decades) by those not of their class.

However, none of this is a surprise as what it represents is the colonial imperative at the heart of our society.  To understand where we are going, one need only study the colonial period before ‘these united states’ were born.  There existed, then, an aristocracy whose level of education and understanding and longevity far exceeded that of the peasantry that tended their lands and lived in such brutish conditions as were those of post Roman Europe.  This ‘existential gap’ continued through the formation of ‘these united states’ and on through the civil war with brought about the formation of ‘The United States’ and the rise of the robber baron nation whose existence was founded on the wage slavery of factory and mine workers imported from impoverished parts of Europe in the late 18th to early 20th century. Again, the difference between the conditions of existence for the top 5% of ‘americans’ and the rest was that of a century or more due to the fact that the top 5% had access to electricity and running indoor water at least 50 years before the lower 95%.  Essentially, the wealthy lived in light while the workers huddled in the dark of factories, mines, and hovels.

We can see this happening again, now, as the wealth of the lower 95% plummets while the wealth of the upper 5% accelerates to unheard of levels.  With this comes the bifurcation of services and education and all other aspects of existence.  Since American has divested itself of the ‘smokestack industries’ that once offered the hope of lifting the children of the lower and lower middle classes out of their condition, it has essentially divested itself of this class of people.  They are now free, to do…whatever.  Only for a narrow moment from about 1950 to 1980 did the wealth gap close.  This, as may be easily understood, was the peak of our civilization where we put a man on the moon. Then in the age of Reagan (the golden age for most republicans) the beginning of the opening of the wealth gap started with ‘union busting’, corporate deregulation, and industrial ‘off-shoring’.  (These all go hand-in-hand as deregulation allowed—no, encouraged—corporations to de-unionize and then move their jobs to the pools of the lowest wage earners capable of doing the jobs.)  With this, the earnings of the wealthy started its long ramp upward while the wages of the American worker stagnated or fell.  This continued to the point of the current collapse of the American economy due to massive off-shoring and even more corporate deregulation (sadly, under the democratic party).  During this time, rich Americans diversified their land holdings and investments in such a fashion as to sever their connection with the lower American classes.  That is to say, the top 5% of American live all over the better parts of the world and have investments all over the world.  So whatever fate America has as it’s future, will not be their fate.  We workers and former workers have been left behind. 

Now, lower and middle class white America votes to bring The Party of Reagan back into power!  This time, though, they bring them back with a crazy and violent mob party that started off calling itself the Tea Bag Party or Tea Baggers, until they found out what ‘tea bagging’ actually meant.  This again, is not surprising as mob violence is always a close associate of conservative political behavior from lynchings to public school blockades to anti-abortion attacks on clinics to storming vote counting activities to stomping opposition protesters.    Lower and middle class white America is angry and they want to hurt somebody in order to ease the pain of their own destruction.  They will do it the way they have always done it.  Hurt the black man, the Latino, and then themselves!  The party that is most well established in doing this is the republican party, an amalgamation of the former Dixiecrat Party and the white businessman’s party.  (Negros can enter through the rear.)

After tomorrow repubs will control the House of Representatives and the Supreme Court. They may even control the Senate.  President O will be marginalized, along with most of the rest of his unemployed black brothers, and pointed to the door.  The legislative process will breakdown and the Krazy Kraker Koalition (formerly the Kraker Klowne Koaliton) will attempt to destroy the civilian federal government and turn federal governance of the country over to the military-intelligence-police-prison corporations.  The rest of the power will go to KKK state governance.  In another two years, President O will probably be unemployed.  (He’ll, of course, get the biggest unemployment check of all his brothers.)  

This will essentially be the end of ‘The United States’.  After losing all of the wars it’s currently engaged in,  ‘The United States’ will return to being ‘These United States’ and then back to a set of mostly agricultural colonies run by the children of the top 5% who like to play with their slaves in the dirt.  When they are finished, the land (or what’s left of it) will return to the Native American.  China will be world ruler and perhaps the ruler of the inner solar system.

So let’s all go out and vote tomorrow!  Kool-Aid will be served!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

another 99 problems

I  got  99  problems

but a bitch 

ain’t one!

I got ninety nine problems
  but a bitch 
ain’t fun.

I got NINETY-NINE problems 

shit, dis BITCH 

ain't ONE!


I got $0.99 problems 
but a BITCH 
ain’t one...!

I got ninety nine problems  

and this bitch IS one

I GOT 99 problems AND being a WITCH


Sunday, October 24, 2010

Why Fire Juan Williams?

As we all know, NPR fired Juan Williams because he violated the terms of his contract, i.e. keeping his personal views to himself and his god

Vivian Schiller (of NPR), ‘told an audience at the Atlanta Press Club that Williams should have kept his feelings about Muslims between himself and "his psychiatrist or his publicist."’ (Of course, the liberal wimp later recanted:  "I spoke hastily and I apologize to Juan and others for my thoughtless remark.") (Why are all liberals--except for me--such little puss-puss wimps?  MAN-UP you little wimps! stand your ground against these ignorant retrogressive republicans, tea baggers, and the KKK!)

Anyway, there is a better reason to fire Juan Williams:  Juan Williams is a dumbass! (Noun 1. dumbass - a stupid person…blockhead, bonehead, dunce, dunderhead, fuckhead, hammerhead, knucklehead, loggerhead, lunkhead, muttonhead, numskull, shithead dolt, dullard, pillock, poor fish, pudden-head, pudding head, stupe, stupid, stupid person - a person who is not very bright…) Actually, I’ve always thought of him as more of a pudden-head! So, Juan’s such a pudden-head he get’s scared when he sees someone on a plane wearing Muslim garb:

I mean, look, Bill, I'm not a bigot. [YEAH RIGHT-jb] You know the kind of books I've written about the civil rights movement in this country [YEAH LIKE:  I'm A Big Uncle Tom-jb] . But when I get on the plane, I got to tell you, if I see people who are in Muslim garb and I think, you know, they are identifying themselves first and foremost as Muslims, I get worried. I get nervous…blah blah blah” (

as if some jihadist, about to pull-off a terrorist act, is going to advertise himself as being a Muslim: ‘Hey look at me, I’m a terrorist and I’m about to attack this airplane!

on the other hand, if Juan’s just ‘uncomfortable’ around someone who looks like a Muslim, then Juan’s just a plain bigot! It’s pretty stupid to communicate to the world, including your employers, that you’re just a prejudiced idiot!

now, Juan had been warned by NPR, but he’s so stupid he just kept mouthing off. but don’t feel bad for Juan, he got what he deserved: a $2M raise at the ‘Fux Nuws Nutwork’ ! Yes, Juan’s back where he belongs, as Rupert Murdoch’s $2M boot lick (“—Fox rewarded his seconding of O’Reilly’s bigotry with a $2 million contract…”--

if NPR had kept him on, they would have lost all credibility with their one and ONLY base, the intelligentsia, i.e.: LIBERALS!

NPR (as all liberals) should remember one thing: ‘F… THE REPUBLICANS!

__and a good day to you too sir__!

Monday, September 13, 2010

The KKK and the Koran

whew…lucky i got out of the so called, middle east, before the KKK ( started buring ( , ) and shooting ( ) korans!

but, hey: what would jesus say? “just say: YES!”

what is it with these KraKers and the Koran? (note: many of the videos around are euros going at it, not u.s. southern bumpKins. But then, I’m not looking too far.)

is it 9/11?

if it is, then don’t they know that while the al-qaeda killed 3,000 on 9/11, we’ve killed at least 20,000 in iraq, afghanistan, and pakistan in the last ten years? don’t they know that none of the people on the planes were from these countries?? don’t they know that the u.s. would never attack the people who actually pulled-off 9/11, the saudis???

no, they don’t!

all they know is what rush, palin, hannity, the savage, beck, and levin tell them; and all that is just so much bushshit.

the right-wingers are our jihadists, or more accurately, ‘teahadists’ ( )! and they’re all worked up (like shiites at a sunni religious convention) over an islamic community center two new york city blocks away from and completely out of sight of ground-zero! ( )

of course, most of these bumpkins have never been to new york city; so they wouldn’t know how long a nyc block is! some teahadist stated (or so i heard while i was away) that no further mosques should be built in the u.s. well, ok…as long as no further churches, cathedrals, or synagogues are built in the u.s. (and…how about slapping a healthy property tax on the ones already built?)

so, If the teabaggers have become teahadists, then I guess the next thing we’ll see is rush, palin, hannity, savage, beck, or levin (or, better yet, all of them) ‘jack’n’ a plane and flying it right into a mosque somewhere!

too bad for the mosque...just another day in muddle ameriKa!

but, let's get serious: burning a koran in this provocative fashion is a 'hate crime', just like spray painting a swastika on a synagogue! and our two bright guys: obama and holder ought to know it!!!!!! they never even mentioned this possibility! what's wrong with these lawyers? stupid or something?

Sunday, September 12, 2010

talk an egyptian

whew...just back from egypt! what a place to visit! i love the desert, so i'd almost love to live there. i found out that i can take the heat. it was 108F in the shade in the 'valley of the kings'. burn baby burn! it's nice and cool down in the tombs and up in 'the great pyramid', but the air is so 'close' you really get a sense of what it was like to be buried alive! (at least in the first few moments...before the torches went out!)

taking the train up the nile from aswan and luxor to cairo, you really get to see life in the country side. no euro-american would make it a day 'out there'. even in the small towns you see along the way. so back to the city driver!

now the big downside to egyptian city life, on the street, is: there're no emission controls on most cars! the air in cairo is almost unbreathable at the traffic peaks (which seems to be almost all of the time). (get me back to the tombs! or the 34th floor of the grand hyatt!) on the other hand, alexandria is much better, due to the sea breeze. the skyline in alexandria is incomparable. imagine manhattan with a beach! standing on the beach, is to be enveloped by a great cultural enclave going around a huge bay. too much to see. too much to buy.

now, of course, the sea side apartments making up that skyline are somewhat 'funky' when you get up close, but can't have everything! they're really cheap with respect to, say, manhattan or alexandria virginia rents or prices. however, all the apts have a/c, a great view, and satellite. (bathrooms are so so...) so, even by 'american standards', alexandria is quite livable. (if i ever get any money, i'll be blogging from there.)

cairo, on the other hand, is the big city! rough and gritty little kitty. brash and in your face. (try out the night scene around the central train station or off on some of the side streets leading away from the main avenue that takes you to the pyramids!)

luxor has the same vibe (on a smaller scale). get out of the sheraton and checkout 'downtown'--i.e., the souks. i ended up following some 'salesman' out of a back door, through some really narrow back alleys, through a door and into a real egyptian 'mall' (intense). just like some of the first malls in the u.s. back in the early sixties. (of course, no a/c!) they're making it though. they'll be just as modern as we are now, in a few decades, if left alone.

unlike us (?), though, almost everyone is bribe-able! that is, every official and any corporate type and most guys on the street. a lock on something just means: give me baksheesh man! want a tour of that nuclear power plant with the lock on the gate? no problem man: baksheesh! want to stay in the great pyramid overnite? how much? want to jump in the front of the line? just make sure the guy at the window has been paid off. essentially nothing is really 'forbidden' if you have enough money. like us it that?

this leads to the question of how do you like your corruption? democratized or just for the elite? in america, corruption (or the cost of corruption) is simply built into everything. all the price fixing, misrepresentation, handouts, and deals are done before you ever see the product! you--the little guy--just get a price. take it or leave it! the rich elite pocket the difference between what something 'really costs' and what you pay for it. (they also pocket the difference between what they pay you to make something--IF YOU'RE LUCKY ENOUGH TO HAVE A JOB WHERE THEY'RE PAYING YOU anything--and what they can sell it for!) ha: gotcha come'n & go'n! (FIRST LAW OF BUSINESS: NEVER GIVE A SUCKER AN EVEN BREAK!)

now, over there, nothing has a fixed price for anybody. every price can be bargained down. (imagine doing that in a nordstroms here!) actually did that in some shop that looked very much like 'the gap'. of course though, once back in the tourist enclaves, e.g., the luxor sofitel (very very nice, except for the location), NO DEAL. the deals have already been fixed for your convenience. (trust me, it's really really convenient not to have to go down in the souk and squabble over change--remember, an egyptian pound is worth about 1/5th of a u.s. dollar. but, on the other hand, i'm sure no rich euro-ameri trash pays the 'street price' to stay in the sofitel!)

all in all: egypt is a really inexpensive trip (in the 'off season'--our summer) if you get your airfare early. you can go ***** all they way. klm runs a tight ship with really great personnel who'll help you out of most of the mistakes you can make. they'll make all sorts of adjustments to your itinerary if they can (for a price...of course). a trip to egypt is much less than a trip to, say, big sur or france!

as far as all of the hustlers and drivers and souksters go, all you have to learn to do is: 'talk an egyptian'!

Saturday, August 7, 2010

A Tale of Two Films

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times...when I first saw ‘2001 a Space Odyssey’ ( A king was about to fall and a nation tear itself apart in the culture war ( But, between the nights of April 2, 1968 and April 3, 1968 those, who were lucky enough to gain admittance under the proper circumstances, were transfigured. I was too young to pass through the star gate, but I was there, having travelled across the city by myself. As I became aware that the sounds I was hearing, as we entered the ellipse of the Uptown’s auditorium, was some sort of music (, I began to get the feeling in my gut that something was different here and something was going to ‘happen’. Something quite unlike the cheese S.F. films I had grown up with. Then, in the dark of the auditorium, I heard Also Sprach Zarathustra ( for the first time in my life, as the camera lifted from the dark side of the moon to reveal an alignment of the Moon, Earth, and Sun in brilliant C major. The veil was lifted from my eyes and the philosophy of my fathers died on the spot.

By the end of the film I was reduced to a dazed silence having no idea of what I had just seen and heard or what had just happened and why. I remember, a number of us got on the bus outside the Uptown. There was no conversation. Everyone was deep in thought. Then someone mentioned that they had read ‘The Sentinel’ ( and told us the story. I had become a child again.

It was many weeks before I saw ‘2001’ again, and it was not the film I saw the night after the premier. I later found out about the cuts and was crushed. I realized that I had seen the best film I had ever seen (I hadn’t seen much of the European or avant garde cinema at the time, having just become a teenager) and would never see it, whole, again. This was my greatest heartbreak until I watched America fumble the manned space program many years later. Little more than a year later we stepped out onto the moon ( and truly entered ‘The Space Age’ (, the age in which I became a man.

I mark, as I might, given it’s personal significance, The Space Age as the high point of American civilization. Kubrick had given us a vision of how it could be and what we could become out amongst the stars. Wernher von Braun ( had given us the means to step off this planet and move onto higher ground. Yet, it was not to be. We reverted to the animalistic ways of the retrogressive culture within our society and spent the money that would have elevated us on wars of idealism waged with the religious fanaticism of those who have nothing to live for but their warped beliefs in a heavenly reward for a life without 'sin'.

We spent trillions on wars against the communists who would have taken over the whole world; the hippies and dopers who wouldn’t die for their country; the queers who slaver around in the filth of their nightly assignations; and the Islamists who would take over what’s left of the world. We created an out of control military-industrial-intelligence complex ( , that couldn’t stop one young man with inflammable underwear from getting on a plane and burning himself up. We’ve fouled our air and our waters and allowed our educational and medical systems to fall into almost complete dysfunction! We have allowed our corporations to move almost all of their manufacturing and technical jobs overseas to cheaper labor pools causing massive permanent un- and underemployment, thus wiping out ‘the middle class’. We have allowed our financial and banking institutions to become centers of fraud and corruptions of every sort and then bailed them out with taxpayer dollars when they collapsed under the weight of their fraudulent repackaging of sham mortgage loans, thus causing a world wide economic collapse.

The space age world of my youth is now long dead. For today’s youth the space age is ancient history sometime before the great war of 911. The world that has replaced the world of my youth is a financially spent world of cynical liars who have turned ignorance and stupidity into virtues and institutionalized technical wizardry into nerdiness. Corrupt politicians in the pockets of corrupt businessmen who sell health and justice right along with Viagra and Coke Zero. A world where it is cool, in some circles, to wear your pants down below your ass and revel in a music that glorifies sexual violence and killing each other over a rock of crack cocaine. As those, below; so those above. A world where The Right news is taught to the faithful on the Fux News Nutwork by fat jolly white fellers who know black in the white house just ‘ain’t riight’!

Crapitalism has triumphed over Clownmunism and the world that is left branded is that, so wickedly depicted, in 'Idiocracy' (! As the great wiki puts it:

“…natural selection has become indifferent toward intelligence, so that in a society in which intelligence is systematically debased, stupid people easily out-breed the intelligent, creating, over the course of five centuries, an irredeemably dysfunctional society. Consequently, the children of the educated elites are drowned in a sea of sexually promiscuous, illiterate, alcoholic, ADHD, degenerate peers.”

Sound familiar? I first saw this on cable coming in during the middle of the film and wondered: WTF? But, after a while I got into it and nearly busted ‘my Balls!’ Every scene is a scream! Easily as funny as ‘Dr. Strangelove’ ( The main problem with this film is that it was too conservative in trying to maintain its verisimilitude. Five centuries? How about five decades of republicanism! In ‘Idiocracy’, the people still wear their pants up over their assess, although ‘Ass’ is the biggest hit on the big screen at the time depicted in the film. As Not Sure’s doctor puts it, just as Not Sure sees just where he is:

“Right, kick ass. Well, don't want to sound like a dick or nothin', but, ah... it says on your chart that you're fucked up. Ah, you talk like a fag, and your shit's all retarded. What I'd do, is just like... like... you know, like, you know what I mean, like...”


“Don't worry, scrote. There are plenty of 'tards out there living really kick-ass lives. My first wife was 'tarded. She's a pilot now.”

Yeah…well…you know: welcome to your future. A long way down from ‘2001’. Remember, the apes in ‘2001’ were on their way to The Space Age. The ‘tards’ are on their way back to The Stone Age. And what awaits them before the get there? ‘The Road’ (, but that’s another story…


Monday, July 26, 2010

100% U.S. Grade A Certified

gentle readers...if i must say so myself, the last two weeks do seem to have vindicated every position i've (more or less) taken on this blog, the:

runaway growth of the govcorp surveillance state (,

utter foulness of the tea bagging republican red-meat racialist party (,

spinelessness of the democratic wimp obama party (, and

falsity of everything the politicians have told us about the Afghanistan war (

Thus, this blog is now 100% U.S. Grade A Certified! just like the meat supply :-{

i have to admit i’m somewhat taken by surprise. i knew all of the above was true. but to have the truth completely stripped naked (like hypatia—see agora!) in just two weeks! wow! (or should i say: ouch!)

we must do some things, fast, that make a difference and set a new ‘tone’.

first, we need to ban bp from operating in u.s. waters until they present a complete environmental plan for their operations and demonstrate well blowout handling capability at 5,000 feet below on a full scale rig using equipment whose manufacture and testing is monitored at all stages by noaa and epa personnel.

second, we need to end the afghan war now, not next summer! we’ve done all we can do there. (if we want to take out the people who did 911, then topple the house of saud.) it’s pretty obvious we’re not going to ‘nail’ osama as long as he knows we’re looking for him and where we’re looking for him! the only result we’ll get by staying one day longer is an afghan civil war which will plunge the country (and most likely pakistan as well) into anarchy like somalia, in which case al-qaeda will be even more at home.

third, we need to raise taxes on people making more than $600,000/yr to roughly 80%, eliminate the wage cap on social security deductions, and replace the existing power grid with a government (i.e., public) owned and operated solar power grid (i.e., the PSPG). (corporations need not apply.)

fourth, we need to clamp down hard on banks by regulating every move they make. any banks stepping out of line get nationalized. (essentially, the government should take over banking!)

(look at all of the jobs I just created!)

fifth (and most importantly), liberals need to stop running scared of glenn beck ( who is nothing more than a televised ass (a TVASS) with hitler envy! basically, there’s only one thing to tell the ‘right wing’, as a whole: just what that dick, cheney, told Patrick Leahy on the senate floor (!

...[end of line]

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Robert Byrd, In Memoriam

I, for one, will not forget Robert Byrd. White hair in the well of filibuster!

I will not forget how long the Democratic Party allowed this person to dominate its politics. I will not forget how long they papered over his past. I will not forget how long they papered over his ‘pork’. I will not forget how they allowed a cheap political opportunist, with a paperback constitution in his back pocket, to jump into the spotlight and stay there!

I was appalled at how black people just smiled at this person (I’m really really trying my best to be very nice here…this is a eulogy after all…) and allowed him to somehow put his history on civil rights into the past (

Kind of like letting George Wallace ( and Asa Carter ( put their civil rights histories into the past!

(Black people, you’d better wake up: YOU’RE BEING TRAMPLED UPON!! You should always hold in your minds the Massachusetts state moto-- Ense petit placidam sub libertate quietem!)

Lest you forget, I borrow, for your edification, a passage from the mighty Wikipedia:

Ku Klux Klan
Byrd joined the Ku Klux Klan in 1942 when he was 24. His local chapter unanimously elected him the top officer of its unit.[10]
According to Byrd, a Klan official told him, "You have a talent for leadership, Bob ... The country needs young men like you in the leadership of the nation." Byrd later recalled, "suddenly lights flashed in my mind! Someone important had recognized my abilities! I was only 23 or 24 years old, and the thought of a political career had never really hit me. But strike me that night, it did."[10] Byrd held the titles Kleagle (recruiter) and Exalted Cyclops.[10]
In 1944, Byrd wrote to segregationist Mississippi Senator Theodore Bilbo:[17]

“I shall never fight in the armed forces with a Negro by my side ... Rather I should die a thousand times, and see Old Glory trampled in the dirt never to rise again, than to see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen from the wilds.”
— Robert C. Byrd, in a letter to Sen. Theodore Bilbo (D-MS), 1944

In 1946 or 1947 Byrd wrote a letter to a Grand Wizard stating, "The Klan is needed today as never before, and I am anxious to see its rebirth here in West Virginia and in every state in the nation.".[19] However, when running for the United States House of Representatives in 1952, he announced "After about a year, I became disinterested, quit paying my dues, and dropped my membership in the organization. During the nine years that have followed, I have never been interested in the Klan." He said he had joined the Klan because he felt it offered excitement and was anti-communist.[10]

In 1997, Byrd told an interviewer he would encourage young people to become involved in politics but also: "Be sure you avoid the Ku Klux Klan. Don't get that albatross around your neck. Once you've made that mistake, you inhibit your operations in the political arena."[20] In his last autobiography, Byrd explained that he was a KKK member because he "was sorely afflicted with tunnel vision — a jejune and immature outlook — seeing only what I wanted to see because I thought the Klan could provide an outlet for my talents and ambitions."[21] Byrd also said, in 2005,

“I know now I was wrong. Intolerance had no place in America. I apologized a thousand times ... and I don't mind apologizing over and over again. I can't erase what happened. ”
— Robert C. Byrd

There you have it, white suprematism was just an albatross around his neck. For blacks though, white suprematism remains a noose around their necks! And so, after a long and controversial service, Robert Byrd is gone from this world, but not forgotten (, and the Democratic Party has become a KKK Freezone! May it continue to purge its ranks!

The Adventures of Stupidman

Faster than a mental turtle.
More powerful than a mighty laxative.
Able to leap small fact things in a single bounce.

Look! Up in the sky!
It's a byrd. It's a plane. It's Stupidman!

Yes, it's Stupidman - strange visitor from a conservative’s planet who came to Earth with powers and abilities far below those of mortal men. Stupidman - who can plug-up the course of mighty rivers of history, bend steele with his bare head, and who, disguised as Heart Stent, muff mannered mumbler for a late metropolitan newsparty, fights the never ending battle for Untruth, Injustice and the Republican Way.

And now, another exciting episode in the adventures of Stupidman:

more, later...

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

what’s in name OR a general by any other name

well, what should we call the president’s runaway general ( now?

general mcShitstool? ("oh, that is too much! how dare you!") well, but, that’s where he put himself! how about: general mcCrystalmeth? talking out of his head. having no explanation of why he said what he said. you’d have to be ‘high on something’ to say what the general said to ‘rolling stoner’ magazine, right? no? well…how about: general mccrystal…’you can’t handle the truth’? that’s more like it, yes? why? because we can’t handle the truth! the truth is that president ‘dare to be audacious’ has ‘sold us down di ribber’, just like any other old southern republican plantation politian. (just wait till you get them back! (

the truth is: we’re going to leave afghanistan and the taliban ( will still be there! (we are not going to kill all of them. we are not going to kill all of their wives, children, and pigs. and if we did, what would that make us?) call that a ‘loss’ if you want to, but it’s a hard fact of reality! we may even try to sell them the minerals out of their own land (, but the taliban will still be the taliban (just a lot richer and able to fund their own nuclear ‘power’ program). the truth about the taliban is that they have this characteristic arrogance that they displayed when they visited the u.s. ( , that’s just who they are…just like we’re what we are (not too smart). remember, the taliban did not attack us on 911! it was the saudis!! the bush family’s buddies!!! (oh well…boys will be boys...and play with their toys.)

one could say that oil men did us on 911 just like they’re doing the gulf right now! bp, the saudis, the taliban with minerals; what’s the difference? they’re all fowling pigs. i wouldn’t be surprised if they all amalgamated: bstp.

now, i would say: ‘wake up people’ at this point, but it no longer matters. awake or not, we’re going down. we have no leaders (worth an oil spit) and business and ‘the church’ are corrupt as HELL! the newspapers have mostly gone conservative and academics remain…well…academic (you just can’t understand what the hell they’re talking about nowdays--see: , , ).

sorry if this assessment is too gloomy. just think how McChrystal feels.

end of line

The Nixon Story You Never Heard

wow. check out this story by Joan Hoff:

that tricky dick was the worst republican scum that ever fowled the WH! a constitutional crisis a minute!

all of us need to hear the complete nixon tapes!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Losing the War, One General At A Time

First there was Petreaus

now there’s ‘The Runway General’


Obama…are you learning yet?

You left these tea bagging repubs in your government and now they’re munching your butt! You continued the Bushed policy and now its biting your butt. You got a ‘big oil’ spill up your gulf and Karzai seems to know something you don’t ( , YOUR GENERALS ARE LOSING THE WARS…as if there was anything to ‘win’ in the first place.

Dear Mr. president, you’re the smartest dumb guy in amerika. You seem to try to do everything the hardest half-way possible, and because you like to play footsies with the repubs, if you get a second term (and that’s doubtful—after all, why have a fake repub president when we can have the real thing, e.g., palin), this time with a repub controlled congress, you’ll probably end up impeached like your bag man Clinton!

So, let’s get simple. You have two things to do that you can do without getting congress involved: (A) clean out all the repub trash left around in the top ranks of the government and (B) dump the failed Bushed policies completely: (a) accelerate the departure from Iraq, (b) accelerate the departure from Afghanistan, (c) replace the drone assassinations with well planned humint based assassinations of the right people, (d) clamp down hard on large scale private industry that’s ‘too big to fail’, (e) shut down right-wing talk radio by reinstating ‘the fairness doctrine’ (, (f) lock Blackwater/Xi out of any further government contracting, (g) replace your current economics team with Reich and Krugman, (h) put this ‘faith-based’ crap to the curb, and (i) replace ALL of your top generals with people you can personally guarantee are on your side (or better yet, on my side).

Then you can get down to kicking the real ass that needs to be kicked off the field: THE RONNIE RACIST REPUBLICAN TEA BAGGING OIL SUCK UPS PARTY!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Crushed Under the Weight of Lies

we winning in afghanistan. we’re liberating the people of iraq. we beating back al-qaeda. we’re winning everywhere! we’re cleaning up all the oil!

i guess he just couldn't take it anymore. existential nausea (

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

The Oil Malaise

obama’s speech tonight was the very definition of: insipid.

there was no grand plan for an energy future. no mention of the science to come out of this. no mention of the sickening gases now coming out of the mix of chemicals introduced into the gulf. no fire. no guts. no gore. not even a little ‘kickass’?

no...just like jimmy carter: we’re suffering from a malaise…an oil malaise…

let me put it another way:

i am he as you are he as you are me and we are all together.

corporation tee-shirt, stupid bloody tuesday.

i'm crying.

yellow matter custard, dripping from a dead bird's eye.
crabalocker fishwife, oily muddy french fry.

i am the eggman, you are the eggmen.
i am the walrus, goo goo g'joob.

i'm crying, i'm crying.

j. lennon

(if you don’t know who the walrus was, listen to the oil pigs’ testimony on cspan today.

What President Obama Should Say About the BP Oil Catastrophe Tonight

This oil spill is a greed made catastrophe due to one corporation cutting corners and costs to make the biggest profit they could out of an experimental drilling effort. This along with the complete corruption of the MMS under the Republicans produced a perfect storm of ignorance and stupidity on the part of all voting Americans that put two Texas cowboy oilmen into the White House for eight years! There is pretty much nothing anybody can do about this now because it involves forces beyond our capabilities to handle at the moment. The president must show that new science is coming out of this and that new engineering will follow the science. Here’s what he should propose as actions to take:

(1) Maintain the moratorium of deep ocean drilling until the U.S. puts in place an agency that can inspect and direct the operations of all oil companies working in U.S. waters at all times. Further, this agency must generate and maintain a technical team to operate and evolve technologies to control spills.

(2) The U.S. must go solar in a major way and to do this we should (a) place a major tax on oil use and production and profits, (b) cover every mall parking lot and every mall roof in this country with solar cells which will produce shade for mall patrons at the same time it produces power for use, (c) build a national government controlled solar power grid to replace the early 20th century power grid that companies like Enron use as their private piggy banks, and (d) force the auto industry into making the most efficient hybrids possible with today’s technology.

(3) Completely bar any possibility of drilling in the arctic wildlife refuges forever.

(4) Maintain a moratorium on all nuclear power activities until the U.S. has an agency that can inspect and direct the operations of all nuclear power companies working in U.S. at all times. Further, this agency must generate and maintain a technical team to operate and evolve technologies to nuclear waste spills.

This will be a good start to move us into a rational energy use culture for the future.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

President ‘KickAss’

Wow! Jump back! Look out all you jihadists, BP execs, members of the KKK! A new superhero’s on the job!

From cerebral nerd to nerdly see re-brawl. With mighty macho he will smash the KKK flatter than a tortia. He will fly over right-wing talk radio and rain down a mighty mix of that lemonade and sunshine. The fat feeble flab-bag Rush had better get rare or face the fast fists of fate! No nattering nabobs of negativistic KICKASS this time!

She dog Bachman on her broom gets smacked down over the gulf…last seen burbling up mouthfuls of manly OIL of KICKASS. And that weasely "Great One" Levin, stomped to a pulp fiction, goes down bleating: “he’s not legal…he’s not legal!” And the ‘chicken lady’? where’s the ‘chicken lady’? cluck cluck little chicken! Come git some KICKASS!

Monday, May 31, 2010

Tough Ecological Love

To Tom Young, of Plaquemines Parish on the coast, who asks:

“…no one outside of these few parishes really cares. They say they do, but the don’t do nothing but talk. Where’s the action? Where’s the person who says these are real people, real people with families and they are hurting?” (MSNBC)

The people you are calling for in your hour of need were the idealists of the late 1960s ( , who advised all of us to: drop out (of the crapitalist bizshit), turn on (the natural mind), and tune in (to what’s really happening). The idealists, who counseled us to “make love, not war”. The idealists, who grocked the nature of the crapitalist industrialism that they grew up in. They called for us all to ‘return to the land’ and adopt an ecological communalism centered around the ‘expansion of consciousness’.

Now, you can imagine how all of this was received by conservative white Amerika (CWA) and other ‘establishment types’ all over the world. The idealists were set upon with a savagery well known to those who had taken a gentler approach to the earth (as mother) for generations before the acquisitive entrepreneurialists arrived on these shores. They are all now removed from view, having faded into the background of the culture, and taken to looking like everyone else. (Safer that way.)

Amerika made its ‘deal with the devil’ just at the point where the devil started to collect. Anybody remember ‘Love Canal’ ( This is the point where I became aware of the depths of corporate indifference and the stupidity of local government! Then a ‘Love Canal’ was discovered close to where I lived and I got to see up close what a chemical panic is all about. (They just took the fence down this year!) I came to understand in the late 1970s that we live in a sump pit of greed, ignorance, intolerance, public relations (PR), and just plain downright orneriness!

And what did we all expect from big biz PR? Some (including me) expected a leap into space and a great expansion of amerikan know-how outward into the (obviously empty and ready for our use) galaxy forever! Some expected that we would dominate the world both militarily and economically and that every amerikan would get rich (because god wants you to— , ) by a “trickle down” process that would cause “all boats to rise” ( ). Some expected that we would return to a simpler amerika as a Christian nation of strength and moral rectitude founded in our exceptional position in the whole history of civilizations (perhaps, as in, ?).

This conservative worldview came to dominate our lives in the age of Reagan and governs to this day:

‘Campaigning for the Democratic nomination in 2008, Obama interpreted how Reagan changed the nation's trajectory:
“I think Ronald Reagan changed the trajectory of America in a way that Richard Nixon did not and in a way that Bill Clinton did not. He put us on a fundamentally different path because the country was ready for it. I think they felt like with all the excesses of the 1960s and 1970s and government had grown and grown but there wasn't much sense of accountability in terms of how it was operating. I think that people... he just tapped into what people were already feeling, which was we want clarity, we want optimism, we want a return to that sense of dynamism and entrepreneurship that had been missing.”’ (

Blah blah blah…what a load of crap! Reagan was an idiot surrounded by a bunch of thieves and rouges who savaged this place, one good.

White amerikan’s were the greatest benefactors of the Reagan Age and remain so ( ). The southern states became ‘solid’ again, only this time, under republicans. The Bush-Cheney (BC) administration brought forth the highest achievement of CWA—the complete deregulation of corporations, the nearly complete elimination of taxation on the corporate elite, and the destruction of the middle class by wage flattening and ‘off shoring’ ( ). So, what did you expect with two texass oilmen in the white house and a majority of their type in congress?

Under BC, what I call govcorp came into full power. Govcorp had long existed by the revolving door between the top posts in corporations and the top posts in the government for graduates of the harvard-princeton-yale club. But, under BC, govcorp completely relinquished its control over corporate management of the regulatory agencies (e.g., , , ). It is here that our bargain with ‘the devil’ was complete! And, now Tom, you stand knee deep in the corruption of what was the only good thing about Amerikan society, its engineering know-how. You can thank all of those who took us down the path of republicanism over the last 30 years to the utter failure of amerikan corporatism.

So, yes Tom, there are those of us outside of the parishes that care and understand and feel your hurt. But, at this point in amerikan history, there’s not a damned thing we can do to help you. There is nothing you can do either. Voting the republicans back into power will only return the people who put you in the situation you now find yourself in back into position to give you more of the same! There is nothing govcorp can do either, because, this time, when they tried to trick ‘mother nature’, they were playing with forces beyond their control. I’ll tell you what the politicians and the bigbizboys won’t: your life living off the gulf is OVER! Finished! Complete! Done! I doubt if even your great-grandchildren will see a thriving gulf. The oil will continue to gush until the pressure in the reservoir balances that at the bottom of the Gulf.

You asked: “where’s the action?” you missed it! It was forty years ago when you or your parents were given a distinct alternative as to what sort of life they should live. It was forty years ago when students all over the world took over universities in protest of the hypocritical relationship between academia and govcorp. It was forty years ago in fights in the streets against the cops of all most all of the major cities in this and other countries to protest police brutality and corruption and poverty (which has only gotten worse). It was forty years ago when we Liberals liberated black people from white conservative slavery and stopped a war in Vietnam! It was forty years ago when a toothless ‘great society’ was formed and shined a ray of hope into what was a pretty hopeless country (now hapless). So, now you know. And now, let me tell you what you have to do.

You have to save what sea life in the gulf there is to save! You have to help build a vast inland sea simulating the conditions of the various niches in the gulf (and soon to be the whole sea) in such as way as to form an ark to take sea life into a future where the natural environment has been ruined. You have your work ‘cut out for you’!

Monday, May 17, 2010

A Poem For Sarah Louise

chill baby chill,
on the
drill baby drill,
or fix the
spill baby spill,
before we're all
ill baby ill,
or you kill all the
krill baby krill,
and there's no more
whale'n baby whale'n,
and then no
palin baby palin!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Solution For Stopping The BP Gulf Oil Spill of Spring 2010

Dear readers, I believe I have discovered a solution to stop the oil spill caused by the collapse of the BP oil rig. The solution is complex and expensive, but very probably doable. I breaks down into three parts (no pun intended):

(A) FREEZE THE CRUDE – As I’ve recently learned, oil can’t be frozen solid because it consists of many individual compounds that solidify at different temperatures. However, oil can be chilled into a gelatinous material. (Let’s call it ‘Jell-O’.) My supposition is that once the crude is ‘frozen’ into Jell-O, it can be controlled more easily than it could be in a liquid form. Now, the crude may be frozen by lowering the ambient temperature of the water. I don’t have access to the precise data to know what that temperature would be at 5000ft below the ocean surface. I also don’t know what the ambient ocean temperature would be at that depth. But, I’m guessing that there is not much difference between the ambient temperature of the water at that depth and the temperature required to form a Jell-O of crude at that depth. This conjecture is based on hearing about the hydrocarbon crystal formation which prevented the containment caissons from being used.

To ‘freeze’ the crude will require the construction of refrigeration units able to operate in the pressures 5000ft below the ocean surface. The size and number of such units placed in the vicinity of the leaks depends how on fast it is decided to do the job. The power source for the refrigeration units could easily be nuclear submarines outfitted with cables properly insulated to deliver the power to insulated junctions on the refrigeration units. The number of subs required would depend on how many refrigeration units were used. A ‘refrigeration dome’ will have to be placed over the leaks in order to slow the escape of the cooled water. However, since it is not the purpose of refrigeration domes to contain the leak, they do not have to have the structural integrity of containment domes or caissons. The size of the support crew and the number of supporting submersibles also depends on the required speed of the operation's execution.

(B) CONTROL THE FROZEN CRUDE – Once the crude has been frozen into a ‘Jell-O’ it will need to be moved into some sort of containment structure. Such a structure could be manufactured or geological. Since this structure would not be created to contain liquid crude, it could have less structural integrity than a container designed to contain liquids. Alternatively, the container could be some deep crevasse in the ocean floor close enough to the leaks to move the Jell-O into. The way to move the Jell-O is to create precision controlled currents. This can be accomplished by using the prop wash from a fleet of submersibles or submarines to direct the Jell-O to an appropriate place. Of, course there’ll be no opportunity to practice this, so the whole operation must be precisely planned with the aid of computer modeling and simulations. Manufactured ‘Jell-O containers’ should be obvious. Finding a geological formation to contain the Jell-O would be more of an interesting problem.

(C) LIFTING THE JELL-O – Once contained, the Jell-O needs to be transported away from the containment cite or facilities. This could be accomplished by lowering a six or seven thousand foot long hose of the appropriate diameter from the surface to suction lift the Jell-O. These hoses would also have to maintain the appropriate temperature to keep the crude in a gelatinous state in order to separate it from the sea water sucked up with it. Tankers would have to be leased to form a conveyor to move the oil from the spill cite to facilities designated to handle the crude.

Now, of course, freezing the crude, moving the Jell-O, lifting the Jell-O and transporting it away would all have to be choreographed as one giant conveyor which would run until the crude deposit is exhausted or the escape pressure falls to some magnitude that allows the leaks to be plugged or the relief well is completed and operational. Thus, the operation could possibly run for more than a year.

Further, it must be understood that this ‘solution’ will do nothing for the oil that has already mixed into the ocean and it could cost billions to execute. Minus some technical and engineering details (that I’d be happy to handle for the appropriate fee), it comes down to a political judgment of whether the northern gulf and the southern coasts of the U.S. are worth it. Are they?

Bonne chance!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

So, Who Is Brooksley Born?

how can this economic fraud we are living through be understood? one could follow the wiki tree of pages associated with the notion of 'swaptions'.

let's see...start here: or here: or perhaps here: or, maybe better, here:, and you get the idea...right? no?

well perhaps there's an easier way.

we could look at the people who sold us this fraud and one of the people who stood up to them. you don't have to read any 'great books'. just watch two videos:

Michael Greenberger on credit rating agencies: (which led to my question)


a frontline presentation, 'the warning': (which cleared up my question-big time).

so, who is Brooksley Born?

someone who makes a liar out of all the pols and goldman suchs execs currently running around saying 'there's no way we could have seen this coming...'! it seems brooksley did and was put down hard for trying to act on what she saw by Alan Greenspan, Timothy Franz Geithner, and Lawrence Henry (the Hitman) Summers! funny, how the geith and hitman summers are still around.

now i'm not a conspiracy theorist, but i am seeing a reagan-clinton-bush-obama conservative continuum. and while the political party in the WH might change, the Fall St. crowd continues to party on (unregulated). its pretty obvious that the conservatives have gotten all they ever wanted economically: a vast gap in wealth, virtually no taxes for the rich, unregulated fraud markets, a never ending war generating huge profits, and taxpayer bailout bonuses to boot! (you see, despite what your mom might have taught you, crime does pay!)

so, as we fall, let us remember: Ayn Rand, the sophist soul of 20th century laissez-faire conservative economic BS and Brooksley Born, who could have started the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) on the path to undoing what Rand's influence ultimately brought us to. perhaps, if we somehow get smarter, we'll allow Born to regulate Rand!

-end of line-

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Blood On the Border

My god, but are the repubs ever so stupid!

did they really think that non-stupid americans would just quietly watch this racist law come into play? well they have really put a foot in some hole! thank you reeepubs, your stupidity should keep dems in power for a long time to come--if only, we get a dem president that can lead his base to louder and louder protests of the racism so fundamental to GOP! perhaps though, the problem runs deeper...

the problem with a lot of law (particularly that which i deal with on a daily basis) is that it never defines key terms in a rigorous manner, like say, in mathematics. in the case of the az law, they don't define what it is to 'look like' you are an illegal immigrant! and yet, the law demands that the cops stop you to check your papers (pleeze!) if you don't look legal! how stupid can az law makers be??????

(opps...that's the nevada chicken lady! but, she'd serve just as well in az.)

well...arizonans will find out very soon. i'm predicting that people will be killed over such interrogations. the cops will kill innocent hispanics who should have never been stopped. bad guys from the mex will kill cops! (see hysteria will ensue and the whole mexus border will end up like nuevo laredo.

of course, this has all happened before: ("the U.S. government began an active drive against immigrants living illegally in the country"--note, this is what the conservatives are calling for)

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Drill Baby Drill Me Now Sarah!

well amerika, i guess you got what you were screaming for:

( and

how do you like your drilling now? want to see this BP mess in ANWR as well? i'll bet most of the GOP can't find ANWR on a map with it spelled out for them. can sarah louise?

the death of the northern gulf will be a lasting tribute to sarah palin and the rest of the GOP. or is it GUNK? or crap?

repubs stink as bad as a black tide at noon in mississippi. fools and this weak president who wants to flirt with the fools, are the cause of this crap!

obama should never even have dreamed of opening up more of the shelf to these crapitalist oilyGOPs. what was he thinking? was he thinking the same thing most ignorant amerikans think: that the oil drilled off our continental shelf is 'our oil'? are they all so ignorant that they don't know that oil will be sold on the spot market just like any other commodity and then shipped off to anywhere there's the money to purchase it? and, that they'll never see one red commie cent of the proceeds from those sales. sarah and her army are one sorry lot of losers. (drill baby drill!)

i hope obama has learned his lesson (yet again)! play with GOP and you'll get burned. GOP is bad for you!! GOP will make you sick if you eat it up! GOP will make you sick when it get's in your ears! GOP will blind you (to reality--the EARTH is our ONLY home. destroy it and we all get our darwin awards!). GOP makes you sick coming out of your mouth! (drill, baby, drilll!)

i'll predict that this is going to be much worse than the Exxon Valdez.
its going to 'smoke out' the fisheries all along the coast of Mississippi and Louisiana. it could even cause a new economic downturn within the economic theft caused by GOP deregulation of the bankers!

now, the one thing i don't want see is booby jindal and haley barbour (hey, wasn't he lex luthar's sidekick in superman?) come running to the government, they hate, for help.

hey booby, hailey: suck it up! enjoy! its as black as TEA! and yall do like tea, don't cha?

oh, and speaking of tea, or more accurately: TEA BAGGERS! are you tea bagging oilers happy now? you got something that looks like tea in your ocean. you always wanted that, didn't you? well, you got it! how's it taste? like crow? gulp it down. enjoy. and remember: DRILL BABY DRILL!

Saturday, April 10, 2010


i'm ultra liberal and as 'pro-life' as anyone! i have a very simple pro-life teaching:

an embryo ain't a fetus and

a fetus ain't a child!

the corollary to this is:

what's IN a woman's body IS PART of her body and what a woman decides to do with her body is no body else's business but her own!


all else is of secondary importance.


The Southern Republican Leadership Conference

if you are listening to The Southern Republican Leadership Conference (SRLC) right now (as i am), then you might see what a threat to this country the GOP and the tea baggers are! did you hear mike pence's
vitriolic christian country rant? the distortion of the truth and the attack on obama? this guy came very close to calling for insurrection! hmmm...reminds me of someone else ( note the 'health care' component of this rant against your 'hard core commie'!

dear readers, we live in interesting times. amerika is as close to coming apart now as it was in the sixties. except, in the sixties, it was people fighting for their civil rights to equal accommodation, education, housing, employment, and opportunity ( they were opposed! who were they opposed by? white southern 'christian' conservatives who called them 'commies' because they wanted basic civil rights! now, if these people would resort to violence and bombing (as they did-- to keep blacks from obtaining the ideal this country is founded upon (100 years after the end of the civil war!!), then think of what they will do if they come back to full power. a contract on their fellow amerikans?

now, i hear the howling of this mob and they are no different now from what they were in the 1960s (although their party affiliation has changed from dem to repub and they have a few blacks--'the bumble bee flies because he believes he can fly'--sucking up to their white masters). don't ever be fooled, the reason they want 'limited government' is so they can go back to doing what they want to. and one of the things that they want to do is restore 'normality' (i.e., the way things were before world war II) (e.g., i'll bet the old, poor, blacks, and hispanics are really looking forward to that!

no, no...the southern republican leadership is just rabble scum (southern conservative unrepentant morons). if the mob ( comes to power (AGAIN!!), then the country comes to an end (AGAIN?).

end of line!