Thursday, February 23, 2012

Welcome to Vaginia

If you are a poor woman in Virginia, Bob McDonnell and the republican controlled state government wants to control your vagina! 

So, welcome to Vaginia!  (Vaginia is for Lovers) But, the republicans are watching you!  

So, what are you watching???

Here’s a little reading for ya:


Wednesday, February 22, 2012

The Republican RAPE Machine

Republican control includes RAPE machines:

These are two of the American Authoritarians

who are already setting up the machinery to have poor women raped to force them to have unwanted children who will not be cared for!  (Rich women will always be able to fly off to Paris for their treatments.)  You can see the brutality of these men in their faces!  These are men to be feared (or dealt with)!  They will take what freedom the corporations haven't already taken from you.

Do not be fooled!  Republicans are no different from their authoritarian counterparts in N. Korea or Red China!

Never let them come to power again!

Friday, February 17, 2012

Mr. Foster Friess

This is the face of a teabagging republican peckerwood

This is the type KRAP the Teapublicans are! 

This is the type red meat republican KRAP that will come into power in this country one day or another.  This is what Obama is protecting us from!  

Mr.  Foster Freeze is a true example of Puritan Teapublican authoritarianism.  The only thing I have to say to such a PIG is:


Did you see that sign?  Take a lesson from Jack!