Friday, January 27, 2012

The Completely Racist Party

My God!  The last two days have really shown the stripes of the Teabagging Republican Party.  Brewer’s finger in the Presidents face!  

The lunatic Newt’s ‘Spanish is the language of the ghetto’!  

 Racist Romney supporters:

But all this goes back further.  Consider the hang’n Romney:

Consider the teabagging insanity:

Consider that a very large number of WHITE PEOPLE want to vote for this trash!  

What does this tell you about white peoples' intelligence?  

What does this tell you about black peoples' intelligence (they rarely vote for repubs)?  

Well...all i know is:  ‘Everything You Know is Wrong!’

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Witch Racist

Teapublicans look like a bunch of racists dogs!  Consider, Ron Paul’s Jim Crow Libertarianism: Jim Crow Ron


Newt Gingrick’s janitor jobs for black teenagers 


Rick Sanitarium's:  "I just said bla…" 

So now, look at this picture:

What’s up her butt?  Look at this picture.  Ah, yes…

that’s it.  That’s what she really wants!  Can’t have it, witch!

So, no respect for O, when she’d have been on her knees for Reagan.  Drunk on tea power?  Or just another stupid white upper muddled class?  Either way she looks like a republican ass (wait…wrong symbol).  Wish we could hear the drivel coming ‘out her hole’.  In the end, O just walked away (just as I shall now), leaving the sheet just a blow’n in the wind…

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

The Rich Boys’ Ball

The New Hampshire results are in.  And who’s on top?



Why?  Daddies!  These are the sons of billionaires:

who are themselves, millionaires.  While Ron Paul came in 2nd, he’s nobody and a crazy old coot to boot!  So I predict that the white trash:

will be washed away in a Big Money tide.  Sorry Teabaggies, the Teapub ticket will be the unholy and ideologically impure:  Romney-Huntsman ticket.  (The only ticket that has even a near realistic chance!)

Now, isn’t that the way ‘free enterprise’ always works?  The freest (i.e., the rich) always win.  Why?  Because this country’s only moral value is MONEY (Mr. Green, cash, moolah, big bucks, payola,…).  (Yeah, yeah, I’ve heard all about JeezUS and God’s on our side, and all that…)  But, freedom in amerika just means:  wealth.  After all, were the founding fathers indentured servants or negro slaves or itinerant white trash plantation workers?  NO!  They had the leisure to sit around reading and reciting Latin and Greek classics.  (Which is more than most amerikans today can do!)  And writing verbose pompous BS that only applied to themselves. 

So, wealth in amerika just means:  the freedom to step all over those who are not wealthy.  The freedom to give the 99.999%:  the worst jobs (and take them back when the rich see fit), tainted food, fake meds, crap educations (so they only qualify for the worst jobs), ‘payday loan’ interest rates on their credit cards, 1% interest on their savings accounts, and ballooning mortgages.  SUCKERS!!  

The wealthiest have it all!  They are, for the most part:  beyond the law, out of sight, and completely unknown.  And, they’ve brainwashed the rest of us to f’over each other in order to be like them!  They can’t be touched.  (Or…can they?)

Oh well, WTF, we are the 99.999% and we are about to get screwed, BIG TIME!!

Here's why.  

Remember, Prez O has only four more years (if he wins).  And most of that time, he’ll be locked-up in battle with the TeaPoobs.  So, after O, who, of integrity and a fighting spirit, is ‘left’?  Nobody!  The Left is dead in amerika.  Thus, right wing conservative teabagging amerika has no conscience!  ‘Occupy nowhere’ will be washed away into prisons (as terrorists) when the Teapublicans get back into the executive branch.  Then Teamerika will be off to war with its buddy, Israel.  They’ll attack Iran and all hell will break loose (with no end in sight).  It’ll be morning in W’s amerika all over a’gin.  Then the big boys (Huntsman family buddies) will step in to help (themselves) again and Teamerika’s economy will crash to the ground (again). 

When will White Amerika ever learn???  (Probably…never!) 

My guess is that, in one of the many battles in the new World War the Teapubs will start, what’s left in the little peoples’ (the 99.999%) bank accounts will be erased by hackers of the world (united).  And everything in Teamerika will come crashing down, d o w n, d  o  w  n … d   o   w   n.  The rich will be long gone and the rest of us will be the best defended nothing in the world.  (Kind of like Russians after WWII.)  Oh well…I guess:  what blows up, must come down!

(And we got blow’d up, blow'd up real good...):

Monday, January 9, 2012

Republicans Gone Mad

New Hampshire has been a real ‘coming out’ for this collection of utter rubbish:

We have:  racial slurs, re-invading Iraq, annulling gay marriage, repealing Roe vs. Wade, attacking Iran, eliminating public assistance because of the old lie that blacks are the majority of people on public assistance, and eliminating social security. 

Obama has nothing to worry about.  He’ll get four more years.  

But what about the rest of us?  

Republican rubbish will eventually get into the White House again.  And when that happens, the great deconstruction will begin again!  (Obama will be back in Hawaii, which is really a sovereign country  occupied by the US.)

The rest of us (i.e., the 99.999%) will be fighting in the streets for an apple!

What the public (the white public) can’t seem to understand is that 2007-2009 was no ‘economic downturn’ (as if the economy just took a wrong fork in the road), but a vast fraud on the part of conservative white businessmen.  So, they're ready to elect these guys to the WH all over again.  STUPID!

Oh, there’s also racism everywhere in New Hampshire:  from Ron Paul’s Jim Crow Libertarianism to Rickie Santorum’s “I don’t want to make black peoples’ lives better by giving them somebody else’s money.”  Not to mention, Mitt and Newt’s attack on that black president, O: 

Prez O has nothing to do with any betterment of the economy. 

Prez O has done nothing for jobs. 

Prez O is a ‘job killer’!

Oh, and don’t forget Newtie’s offer to teach black people about paychecks vs. food stamps at the NAACP convention.  (I hope the Professor mentions GWs False Teeth--search on 'teeth')

Republicans, the Republican Party, Tea Baggers, White Conservatives (and their black minions) are ALL:  scum, trash, baggage, garbage, filth, stench, puke, excrement, runoff, landfill, BM, BS, VD, and every fowl and polluting thing that has ever crawled up from the HELL in their minds!

GET THEE BEHIND ME, S A T A N S !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If you don’t believe me, just see the compilation of  The Ed Show clips currently online for 01.09.12.  Clck On Mitt and start with Mitt Speaks.

A thing of beauty.