Thursday, March 29, 2012

Sanford Florida Police Corruption Caught On Video


ABC News has broken the Sanford Florida Police Department's corruption wide open for the whole world to see!

Zim & Cops At Play

The ED Show has nicely fleshed it out.

From these videos, it looks like the Sanford Police have covered up a MURDER with the complicity of the bloody Republic Nationalist Party!

As I have always said in this blog, the police in AmeriKKKa & the Republic Nationalist Party comprise a RACIST Party!  Completely, totally. fully, and willfully a RACIST, FASCIST, and NAZI party!  In AmeriKKKa, blacks are the Jews and its 1933 all over again.  

Blacks get ready, the Republicans are coming!!

If the RIGHT gets into the White House again, 'America' has had it!  Look at this Right Wing subliminal propaganda!

Dirt Bags!  By the end of the next Right Wing term, America will be nothing more than a corporate caliphate.  We will all have to 'stand our ground'.

Dear friends, we are close to the end.  Please wakeup!  Please look around you.  Please see the truth that's  RIGHT IN YOUR FACE!  Please view the lies on the RIGHT!  Please do not look away from the liars and Nazi KKK PIGGGS that have the WILL and the GUNS to mow down any child in their way to mowing down 'the democracy that could have been'.

White Conservatives and Republic Nationalists and Teabaggers and Police are a CLEAR AND PRESENT DANGER!  Race war in Amerikkka is no joke.  It is a slow moving war that has been going on for decades.  Remember Tulsa (Tulsa):

and all of the other racist violence that has occured here (All Of It). However, with all of the enemies Amerikkka has made all over the world, the whole world will descend on Amerikkka if it tries it!  (Much like America descended on Libya to remove the authoritarian pig that ruled there until the Arab spring.)

I always hold out the hope that there will be an American Spring.  We are now in Winter and the foul stench of our conservatives pervades the whole world.

Gottcha, you f'n PIGGGS!

Monday, March 26, 2012

If Vaginia is For Lovers, Florida is For Stand’n Your Ground

As usuall, you damned yankees is got it awl wrong and done misconstru'd evry thing!

The 'Stand Your Ground Law' ain't some bleed'n heart liberal commie self-defense law, IT'S A DUEL'N LAW for MEN of honor!  (And I believe we know what kinda MEN i'm talk'n about hear!)

This here law in no way excludes Patriotic Son's of the Solid South from defend'n their God, their Guns, and their PROPERTY!  (Which make's me wonder why that 'boy' was run'n around loose in the first place?  Ahh, but...that's another story for another time...)

Naw, naw, naw...y'all got it awl wrong!  That boy (what's his name...who looks like da president...) and this alien invader Zim weren't fight'n.

They were DUEL'n!

That boy (oh, i'm so sorry...That young man...) had chosen a bag of skidattles and a deadly (broken?) bottle (of tea?).  A regrettable choice of duel'n weapons, I admit; but he did have two!  Now, Mr. Zim had only ONE (less imaginative, more conventional) weapon:  a pistol!  An honorable weapon, if i must say so myself.  Many a good man (and quite a few sluts) have done gone down by the pistol.  Damn it, it's The American Way!  More people are killed drivin than duel’n each year in America!  And yall don’t go weeping for all of them, do ya?

Now, let's do some read'n here.
Section (3) of The 2011 Florida Statutes Title XLVI CRIMES Chapter 776 JUSTIFIABLE USE OF FORCE 776.013 Home protection; use of deadly force; presumption of fear of death or great bodily harm.— says:

(3) A person who is not engaged in an unlawful activity and 
who is attacked in any other place where he or she has a right to be has no duty to retreat and has the right to stand his or her ground and meet force with force, including deadly force if he or she reasonably believes it is necessary to do so to prevent death or great bodily harm to himself or herself or another or to prevent the commission of a forcible felony.

Now, lookie here:
No Dueling States

State and territorial laws prohibiting duelling

20 states, along with the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico, have some statute(s) (including constitutional provisions) specifically prohibiting duelling. The remaining 30 states either have no such statute or constitutional provision, or limit their duelling prohibition to members of their state national guard. This does not necessarily mean, however, that duelling is legal in any state, as assault and murder laws can apply.

States which specifically prohibit members of the state national guard from duelling are Arizona, Arkansas,[42] Connecticut,[43] Georgia,[44] Iowa,[45] Kansas,[46] Missouri,[47] Hawaii,[48] Ohio,[49] Oregon,[50] Pennsylvania,[51] Washington[52] and New York.[53]

States and territories which have statutory prohibitions on duelling for all citizens are Colorado,[54] District of Columbia,[55] Idaho,[56] Kentucky,[57] Massachusetts,[58] Michigan,[59] Mississippi,[60] Nevada,[61] New Mexico,[62] New York,[63] North Dakota,[64] Oklahoma,[65] Puerto Rico,[66] Rhode Island[67] and Utah.[68] California previously prohibited duelling, but this was repealed in 1994.[69]

Virginia passed the Anti-Dueling Act in 1810, creating civil and criminal penalties for the most usual causes of duelling, rather than for the act itself. It is still on the books. Virginia Code §8.01-45 creates a Civil Action for insulting words. Virginia Code §18.2-416 makes it a crime to use abusive language to another under circumstances reasonably calculated to provoke a breach of the peace. Virginia Code §18.2-417 makes certain slander and libel a crime…and blah, blah…

Now, you don't see Florida anywhere in these lists!

Therefore, duel’n ain’t illegal or ‘unlawful’ in Florida, unless, of course, assault and murder laws can apply!  (Whadda’s ‘can’ mean here?  It either can or it cain’t, and if it cain’t; then does it or don’t it; and if it don‘t, den what?)  Now, ’Stand Your Ground’ would seem to clear up all this lawyerly mess, since a “person who is not engaged in an unlawful activity and who is attacked in any other place where he or she has a right to be has no duty to retreat and has the right to stand his or her ground” and, one could say, a duel has an element of attack and defense.  

So, since 2011 Florida Statutes Title XLVI CRIMES Chapter 776 JUSTIFIABLE USE OF FORCE 776.013 doesn’t specifically exclude or even mention dueling, it either doesn’t apply OR it protects DUELING!

So, there you are, all you northern liberal anti-secessionists! Com’on down…

(Caveats:  (1)  I am not a lawyer, although, sometimes I act like one.  (2)  I do not hire out as a ‘second’ for honorable arrangements (email me for details). (3)  I, in no way--that I know of--endorse or participate in dueling or other manly rituals involving the settlement of:  scores or debts or matters of family or national honor.  (4) In America, you are on your own.)

Thursday, March 22, 2012

What is a Mitt Romney?

What is a Mitt Romney?  There's a lot of things that come to mind (e.g., HABITUAL LIAR), but this:

hit's it square!  An optical illusion!

Here's a few comments on our next, would be, president:

Mitt Hit 1

Mitt Hit 2


But, all kidding aside, would the real Mittens please stand up?  

ALWAYS REMEMBER:  Teabagging Republicans Are Filth & Scum

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Repeat Rapism

WOW, this couldn’t have come at a better time. 
 The Teapublic Party’s War On Women (WOW)  will give the ‘little ladies’ 

a much needed lesson in moral virtue and get them ready for Amerika under the Teapublic (like, ‘Democrat’) Party .

But now, it's time for today’s history lesson.  Let’s think back a few decades. 

Once upon a time, this 'good boy' 

 (a credit to his race) got a ‘high tech lynching’ at the hands of this (obviously, bad) woman:


so, that this (morally questionable?) student woman
could get a ‘high tech raping’ from this

repeat radio rapist (the current leader of the Teapublic Party--who spent three days going at it).

Moral justice?  Maybe.  Perhaps 'the boy of justice’ 

could answer this query and put in a good word for women as well (at last)!  Clarence...we're waiting...'come clean'...apologize. (Rush did.)

Happy Women’s History Month! 

Never Forget:  Republicans Are Scum