Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Drone Wars!

Amerika is a really stupid country!  The so called, people, in the military-krapitalist komplex are going to kill us all!  Don't these people go to the movies?  Haven't they learned anything?  What do they think they're going to get from

Drone Wars

When the code that does the planning and operational assessment in these drones gets the facility to 'correct' and modify itself in response to its assessment of how well it performed certain missions, then we'll have a 'hunter killer':
 like that shown in a certain film.  Real smart!

I reserve my utter disdain for the PhDs and idiot geniuses who are developing this Krazy Killer KRAP for the really smart guys like:
Keep it up Amerika!  (It's not like the Arabs are too stupid to copy this tech from what's left of their shoot downs.  We'll really see how it works when we're on the receiving end.  A little 'shock and awe'?)  The so called 'scientists' who are building these drones are the same smart guys who handed over:

Great...just great!  

Then along comes this brilliant guy:
Yeah, brilliant!

I've got an idea:  Let's put nukes on drones
along with the AI code.  Wow, we'll get a real bang from that.  And end up like this:
Well...I guess there's time for a 'number':

Planet Of The RATs

If you were listening to the hearings on 'jobs' and 'drill baby drill' in ANWR yesterday ANWR Oil Drilling For Jobs, you’ll know what this post means!

BEFORE republicans and teabaggers (RATs):


So, beside what Dick Chaney would tell you, let me say:


///end of time...

Monday, September 12, 2011

Power Jobs for the Millions

I was just listening to a piece on The Thames Festival on NPR.  It suggested a whole new industry: 

Human power generation!  

The idea is to setup a series of  ‘gyms’ where the stationary bikes, rowing machines, and walkers are fitted to generate electricity.  A new technology of combining exercise with energy! 

With enough participation we should be able to dump nukes, avoid trashing Anwar, and eliminate obesity. 

The ‘generators’ can be paid a decent wage for the amount of power they generate.  No particular amount of time generating or amount of power generated would be required.  Unions could get involved in negotiating wages for units of power and other benefits.  I would think that all generators would get the same wage for unit of production so no wage discrimination would be possible.

Human power generation could be the key component of a completely green power grid, what I call:  The Green Grid’, i.e., solar, wind, hydro, bio, and human. 

Fitness and Power Unite! 

This job obviously doesn’t require 'higher education' or social connections.  No teamwork is required.  Human power generation will spawn off many jobs in equipment design and maintenance.  Food service and facility maintenance jobs would also be created.  

So, here’re the jobs O’bama’s been looking for!  Jobs for the millions!  If we combine Human Power with a drastic up scale in solar power, we could employ every man, woman, and teenager in the country wanting work in clean jobs in a healthy environment.

This idea is probably not new, but it is the first time i've heard it suggested as a way of eliminating the current depression.  Let’s hope O takes up the torch.


Thursday, September 1, 2011

Where’s the Dick Cheney of the Left?

Oh, if only O’bama was like Dick Cheney!   He’d have told that Boner where to go.  Just like that Dick told Patrick Leahy on the Senate floor.

Where’s our shotgun faceoff’ Dick?  It sure ain’t O.  O’s just a good little 'boy' who minds his manners.   He’s just a little kitty for John Boner’s boot kick (or lick?)!  (Meeoow…Here puss puss…)

Oh ‘brother’, wherefore art thou?????????????

So, if O’s too scared to ‘face off’ Boner, let me do it for him:


(And no, I’m not misspelling your name, Boner--just removing that stupid 'h' and that extraneous 'e'--because you know what you  really are, a:  Republican And A Teabag!)

…(I’m baack)