Thursday, May 10, 2012

Mitt Romney--Wolly Bully

Mitt Romney is an L-7 Wolly Bully peice of REPUB CRAP!

Mitt Bully

Gay Bashing Mitt

Actually, he's the perfect Repub candidate:

a war monger like Goldwater (AuH2O),
a habitual liar like Nixon (Tricky Dickie),
a big square jawed ofay like Ford (Just A Ford) (but with a Rambler (Rambler Man) for a dad),
a corporate (20 Mule Team Borax--makes your sheets ‘whiter‘) shill like Reagan (Raygun),
an out of touch aristocrat like H. W. Bush (HW),  and
a man who had the same attitude toward Osama bin Laden (Osama) as W (W).

Folks, there's nothing on The Right.  (Never has been.  Never will be.)

Mitt should quit, before more of his garbage becomes like…(it rhymes with sit and hit, but I just can’t say it).

--end of line--

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Happy Anniversery President Obama

First, let me do the 'unseemly':


Remember who started this war?  Remember how a complete moron lost track of Osama and then started another war?

 Remember how, after finding no 'weapons of mass destruction', the idiot just flailed about for four more years?  Just danc'n in the wind?


Well...first, Obama cleaned up the idiot's war!  Then, yesterday, Obama announced the end of the war that  the idiot walked away from!

Congratulations again Obama!

 When I think about Obama, I can't help but think about how 'Bushonomics' ended us up in the greatest economic depression since The Great Depression?  You don't?  Here's a couple of nice vids:

Conclusion:  BUSH = LOSER......OBAMA = WINNER!  But, what about the new Repub candidate?  Little Mitty Kitty?

There you have it!

I've said enough.  We'll see how Conservative White America figures it out (with whatever they have to figure things out...).