Friday, December 21, 2012

Complete & Crowning Victory

Tonight was Prez O's complete and crowning Victory Over the Scum!  Conservatives and Repubs (CRs) go down in complete flaming idiotic incoherence.

The CRs ran home to Santa, hoping to find the president they wanted

under a Christmas Tree.  Turned out, though, that Mitt weren't Shitt!

I guess it's Xmas for the CRs!

So, a belated, but hearty CONGRATULATIONS to that mighty leprechaun:

As I suggested in a previous posting, sequestration (not what i called it) is the only way to go if an honest approach to cutting the spending couldn't be had.

And so it has come to pass, that the CRs went down to Bethlehem where the little baby Jesus uttered his first words:

"Bring on the sequestration, and may dad roast that John Bohner in HELL forever!"

So, from him to me, and from me to you:  Have a Merry Christmas & A Happy New Year...while it lasts...

--end of line--

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Jonestown USA

You have a choice.  It's a sorry choice.  (But it's not too late!)

On one side we have a democrat who is well
meaning but too weak to control the forces of corporate
authoritarianism that surround him and are ripping the country
to pieces.  He's a sad and probably embittered figure,

but the best we've got at the moment.

On the other side we have the very voice of the Racist Authoritarian
Traitors (i.e., RATs) of Amerika:  Let's listen to him lie his pants off:

He's so smooth.

So, there we go.  If we (that is, WHITE AMERIKA) make the wrong choice, we go down the path to ruin.

Want to see ruin?  Remember Jonestown? No, well read on: Jonestown.

The ignorance, stupidity, and desperation, of some of the 47% of that time, led them to follow a smooth authoritarian liar

 of the left down a rabbit hole.

Let's listen in:  A Long Death Tape

So, why not try another authoritarian liar (this time, of the right)?

Just ask the people of Jonestown.  I think they'd tell you...if they could!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Back From Africa

I have been in Africa for a while, and I have seen your Future!

So I return from Africa and what do I view?  A mild mannered little boy getting hammered by a hard driving pathological right-wing liar on the sell!

Hammered by a man, called by his own people:  an ‘etch a sketch‘!  Obama (O) couldn’t even shake him up!!  Wuz up wit dat?

Wuz up wit dis?

Doesn’t O realize that Mitt is just a businessman who will promise anything, say anything, and be anything that will ‘close the sale’?  Doesn’t O know that Mitt is nothing?

On certain days Mitt is moderate.  On other days, Mitt is HARD RIGHT!  Willing to go to nuclear war (with the Likud) against Iran!

On certain days Mitt is for women‘s reproductive rights.  On other days, he’ll vote to cut off funding of Planned Parenthood.

Can’t O get it together, or is he just tired of the whole mess?

Just tired of Conservative White America’s hatred.    Just tired of  a dumbed down public that knows no history, no science, no math, nothing of economics, and couldn’t find Iraq on a map (unmarked, of course) if their lives depended on it.  (I wonder if W now can?)   Or is O secretly smiling at something?

Looking at O vs. Mitt 1 made me think that O is ready to let Amerika shoot itself in the head while O puts an ocean between himself and this stinking sinking mess by returning to Hawaii (or possibly, even, Indonesia or Ireland or Africa?)  Obama has many homes…as Mitt has homes for his money. But what of us left behind?

That’s right:  Vote for Mitt because: MITT AIN’T SHIT!

Now, that’s what makes him a perfect captain of the ship of state (as it goes down, down, down…).

Just think of the symbolism!  Mitt’s at the wheel.  All the rich folk are up in ‘first class’ partying and drinking the finest champagne.  The humbled middle class is in second class.  The downtrodden workers are in steerage.  Along comes a storm and Mitt comes on the intercom:  “All is well, I’m in charge.”  A little while later, a rescue boat comes along.  About an hour passes and then Mitt comes on the intercom:  "All is well…for free enterprise!  I have worked out a deal.  I have purchased the rescue boat, and its crew, and am taking the place of its captain.  The rescue boat captain (a man of renown in the rescue business) will take my place as captain of state.  I, and a few select passengers, have already boarded the rescue boat, which is now departing.  We wish all of you, the remaining passengers and crew of this fine ship of state, the fondest farewell and the best of wishes.  We know you will all land on your feet."

So, let me show you how you will ‘land on your feet’ after even one term of Mitt in the WH and the Teabaggers in charge of the HOR.  (Hmmm, that’s just missing two letters, a ‘W’ and an ‘E’.)  This is what I saw in Africa.  (The pictures are not mine, but represent well what I saw.)

It's Your Vote, but it's OUR future...

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Mitt Romney--Wolly Bully

Mitt Romney is an L-7 Wolly Bully peice of REPUB CRAP!

Mitt Bully

Gay Bashing Mitt

Actually, he's the perfect Repub candidate:

a war monger like Goldwater (AuH2O),
a habitual liar like Nixon (Tricky Dickie),
a big square jawed ofay like Ford (Just A Ford) (but with a Rambler (Rambler Man) for a dad),
a corporate (20 Mule Team Borax--makes your sheets ‘whiter‘) shill like Reagan (Raygun),
an out of touch aristocrat like H. W. Bush (HW),  and
a man who had the same attitude toward Osama bin Laden (Osama) as W (W).

Folks, there's nothing on The Right.  (Never has been.  Never will be.)

Mitt should quit, before more of his garbage becomes like…(it rhymes with sit and hit, but I just can’t say it).

--end of line--

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Happy Anniversery President Obama

First, let me do the 'unseemly':


Remember who started this war?  Remember how a complete moron lost track of Osama and then started another war?

 Remember how, after finding no 'weapons of mass destruction', the idiot just flailed about for four more years?  Just danc'n in the wind?


Well...first, Obama cleaned up the idiot's war!  Then, yesterday, Obama announced the end of the war that  the idiot walked away from!

Congratulations again Obama!

 When I think about Obama, I can't help but think about how 'Bushonomics' ended us up in the greatest economic depression since The Great Depression?  You don't?  Here's a couple of nice vids:

Conclusion:  BUSH = LOSER......OBAMA = WINNER!  But, what about the new Repub candidate?  Little Mitty Kitty?

There you have it!

I've said enough.  We'll see how Conservative White America figures it out (with whatever they have to figure things out...).

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Sanford Florida Police Corruption Caught On Video


ABC News has broken the Sanford Florida Police Department's corruption wide open for the whole world to see!

Zim & Cops At Play

The ED Show has nicely fleshed it out.

From these videos, it looks like the Sanford Police have covered up a MURDER with the complicity of the bloody Republic Nationalist Party!

As I have always said in this blog, the police in AmeriKKKa & the Republic Nationalist Party comprise a RACIST Party!  Completely, totally. fully, and willfully a RACIST, FASCIST, and NAZI party!  In AmeriKKKa, blacks are the Jews and its 1933 all over again.  

Blacks get ready, the Republicans are coming!!

If the RIGHT gets into the White House again, 'America' has had it!  Look at this Right Wing subliminal propaganda!

Dirt Bags!  By the end of the next Right Wing term, America will be nothing more than a corporate caliphate.  We will all have to 'stand our ground'.

Dear friends, we are close to the end.  Please wakeup!  Please look around you.  Please see the truth that's  RIGHT IN YOUR FACE!  Please view the lies on the RIGHT!  Please do not look away from the liars and Nazi KKK PIGGGS that have the WILL and the GUNS to mow down any child in their way to mowing down 'the democracy that could have been'.

White Conservatives and Republic Nationalists and Teabaggers and Police are a CLEAR AND PRESENT DANGER!  Race war in Amerikkka is no joke.  It is a slow moving war that has been going on for decades.  Remember Tulsa (Tulsa):

and all of the other racist violence that has occured here (All Of It). However, with all of the enemies Amerikkka has made all over the world, the whole world will descend on Amerikkka if it tries it!  (Much like America descended on Libya to remove the authoritarian pig that ruled there until the Arab spring.)

I always hold out the hope that there will be an American Spring.  We are now in Winter and the foul stench of our conservatives pervades the whole world.

Gottcha, you f'n PIGGGS!

Monday, March 26, 2012

If Vaginia is For Lovers, Florida is For Stand’n Your Ground

As usuall, you damned yankees is got it awl wrong and done misconstru'd evry thing!

The 'Stand Your Ground Law' ain't some bleed'n heart liberal commie self-defense law, IT'S A DUEL'N LAW for MEN of honor!  (And I believe we know what kinda MEN i'm talk'n about hear!)

This here law in no way excludes Patriotic Son's of the Solid South from defend'n their God, their Guns, and their PROPERTY!  (Which make's me wonder why that 'boy' was run'n around loose in the first place?  Ahh, but...that's another story for another time...)

Naw, naw, naw...y'all got it awl wrong!  That boy (what's his name...who looks like da president...) and this alien invader Zim weren't fight'n.

They were DUEL'n!

That boy (oh, i'm so sorry...That young man...) had chosen a bag of skidattles and a deadly (broken?) bottle (of tea?).  A regrettable choice of duel'n weapons, I admit; but he did have two!  Now, Mr. Zim had only ONE (less imaginative, more conventional) weapon:  a pistol!  An honorable weapon, if i must say so myself.  Many a good man (and quite a few sluts) have done gone down by the pistol.  Damn it, it's The American Way!  More people are killed drivin than duel’n each year in America!  And yall don’t go weeping for all of them, do ya?

Now, let's do some read'n here.
Section (3) of The 2011 Florida Statutes Title XLVI CRIMES Chapter 776 JUSTIFIABLE USE OF FORCE 776.013 Home protection; use of deadly force; presumption of fear of death or great bodily harm.— says:

(3) A person who is not engaged in an unlawful activity and 
who is attacked in any other place where he or she has a right to be has no duty to retreat and has the right to stand his or her ground and meet force with force, including deadly force if he or she reasonably believes it is necessary to do so to prevent death or great bodily harm to himself or herself or another or to prevent the commission of a forcible felony.

Now, lookie here:
No Dueling States

State and territorial laws prohibiting duelling

20 states, along with the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico, have some statute(s) (including constitutional provisions) specifically prohibiting duelling. The remaining 30 states either have no such statute or constitutional provision, or limit their duelling prohibition to members of their state national guard. This does not necessarily mean, however, that duelling is legal in any state, as assault and murder laws can apply.

States which specifically prohibit members of the state national guard from duelling are Arizona, Arkansas,[42] Connecticut,[43] Georgia,[44] Iowa,[45] Kansas,[46] Missouri,[47] Hawaii,[48] Ohio,[49] Oregon,[50] Pennsylvania,[51] Washington[52] and New York.[53]

States and territories which have statutory prohibitions on duelling for all citizens are Colorado,[54] District of Columbia,[55] Idaho,[56] Kentucky,[57] Massachusetts,[58] Michigan,[59] Mississippi,[60] Nevada,[61] New Mexico,[62] New York,[63] North Dakota,[64] Oklahoma,[65] Puerto Rico,[66] Rhode Island[67] and Utah.[68] California previously prohibited duelling, but this was repealed in 1994.[69]

Virginia passed the Anti-Dueling Act in 1810, creating civil and criminal penalties for the most usual causes of duelling, rather than for the act itself. It is still on the books. Virginia Code §8.01-45 creates a Civil Action for insulting words. Virginia Code §18.2-416 makes it a crime to use abusive language to another under circumstances reasonably calculated to provoke a breach of the peace. Virginia Code §18.2-417 makes certain slander and libel a crime…and blah, blah…

Now, you don't see Florida anywhere in these lists!

Therefore, duel’n ain’t illegal or ‘unlawful’ in Florida, unless, of course, assault and murder laws can apply!  (Whadda’s ‘can’ mean here?  It either can or it cain’t, and if it cain’t; then does it or don’t it; and if it don‘t, den what?)  Now, ’Stand Your Ground’ would seem to clear up all this lawyerly mess, since a “person who is not engaged in an unlawful activity and who is attacked in any other place where he or she has a right to be has no duty to retreat and has the right to stand his or her ground” and, one could say, a duel has an element of attack and defense.  

So, since 2011 Florida Statutes Title XLVI CRIMES Chapter 776 JUSTIFIABLE USE OF FORCE 776.013 doesn’t specifically exclude or even mention dueling, it either doesn’t apply OR it protects DUELING!

So, there you are, all you northern liberal anti-secessionists! Com’on down…

(Caveats:  (1)  I am not a lawyer, although, sometimes I act like one.  (2)  I do not hire out as a ‘second’ for honorable arrangements (email me for details). (3)  I, in no way--that I know of--endorse or participate in dueling or other manly rituals involving the settlement of:  scores or debts or matters of family or national honor.  (4) In America, you are on your own.)

Thursday, March 22, 2012

What is a Mitt Romney?

What is a Mitt Romney?  There's a lot of things that come to mind (e.g., HABITUAL LIAR), but this:

hit's it square!  An optical illusion!

Here's a few comments on our next, would be, president:

Mitt Hit 1

Mitt Hit 2


But, all kidding aside, would the real Mittens please stand up?  

ALWAYS REMEMBER:  Teabagging Republicans Are Filth & Scum

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Repeat Rapism

WOW, this couldn’t have come at a better time. 
 The Teapublic Party’s War On Women (WOW)  will give the ‘little ladies’ 

a much needed lesson in moral virtue and get them ready for Amerika under the Teapublic (like, ‘Democrat’) Party .

But now, it's time for today’s history lesson.  Let’s think back a few decades. 

Once upon a time, this 'good boy' 

 (a credit to his race) got a ‘high tech lynching’ at the hands of this (obviously, bad) woman:


so, that this (morally questionable?) student woman
could get a ‘high tech raping’ from this

repeat radio rapist (the current leader of the Teapublic Party--who spent three days going at it).

Moral justice?  Maybe.  Perhaps 'the boy of justice’ 

could answer this query and put in a good word for women as well (at last)!  Clarence...we're waiting...'come clean'...apologize. (Rush did.)

Happy Women’s History Month! 

Never Forget:  Republicans Are Scum

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Welcome to Vaginia

If you are a poor woman in Virginia, Bob McDonnell and the republican controlled state government wants to control your vagina! 

So, welcome to Vaginia!  (Vaginia is for Lovers) But, the republicans are watching you!  

So, what are you watching???

Here’s a little reading for ya:


Wednesday, February 22, 2012

The Republican RAPE Machine

Republican control includes RAPE machines:

These are two of the American Authoritarians

who are already setting up the machinery to have poor women raped to force them to have unwanted children who will not be cared for!  (Rich women will always be able to fly off to Paris for their treatments.)  You can see the brutality of these men in their faces!  These are men to be feared (or dealt with)!  They will take what freedom the corporations haven't already taken from you.

Do not be fooled!  Republicans are no different from their authoritarian counterparts in N. Korea or Red China!

Never let them come to power again!

Friday, February 17, 2012

Mr. Foster Friess

This is the face of a teabagging republican peckerwood

This is the type KRAP the Teapublicans are! 

This is the type red meat republican KRAP that will come into power in this country one day or another.  This is what Obama is protecting us from!  

Mr.  Foster Freeze is a true example of Puritan Teapublican authoritarianism.  The only thing I have to say to such a PIG is:


Did you see that sign?  Take a lesson from Jack!

Friday, January 27, 2012

The Completely Racist Party

My God!  The last two days have really shown the stripes of the Teabagging Republican Party.  Brewer’s finger in the Presidents face!  

The lunatic Newt’s ‘Spanish is the language of the ghetto’!  

 Racist Romney supporters:

But all this goes back further.  Consider the hang’n Romney:

Consider the teabagging insanity:

Consider that a very large number of WHITE PEOPLE want to vote for this trash!  

What does this tell you about white peoples' intelligence?  

What does this tell you about black peoples' intelligence (they rarely vote for repubs)?  

Well...all i know is:  ‘Everything You Know is Wrong!’

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Witch Racist

Teapublicans look like a bunch of racists dogs!  Consider, Ron Paul’s Jim Crow Libertarianism: Jim Crow Ron


Newt Gingrick’s janitor jobs for black teenagers 


Rick Sanitarium's:  "I just said bla…" 

So now, look at this picture:

What’s up her butt?  Look at this picture.  Ah, yes…

that’s it.  That’s what she really wants!  Can’t have it, witch!

So, no respect for O, when she’d have been on her knees for Reagan.  Drunk on tea power?  Or just another stupid white upper muddled class?  Either way she looks like a republican ass (wait…wrong symbol).  Wish we could hear the drivel coming ‘out her hole’.  In the end, O just walked away (just as I shall now), leaving the sheet just a blow’n in the wind…

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

The Rich Boys’ Ball

The New Hampshire results are in.  And who’s on top?



Why?  Daddies!  These are the sons of billionaires:

who are themselves, millionaires.  While Ron Paul came in 2nd, he’s nobody and a crazy old coot to boot!  So I predict that the white trash:

will be washed away in a Big Money tide.  Sorry Teabaggies, the Teapub ticket will be the unholy and ideologically impure:  Romney-Huntsman ticket.  (The only ticket that has even a near realistic chance!)

Now, isn’t that the way ‘free enterprise’ always works?  The freest (i.e., the rich) always win.  Why?  Because this country’s only moral value is MONEY (Mr. Green, cash, moolah, big bucks, payola,…).  (Yeah, yeah, I’ve heard all about JeezUS and God’s on our side, and all that…)  But, freedom in amerika just means:  wealth.  After all, were the founding fathers indentured servants or negro slaves or itinerant white trash plantation workers?  NO!  They had the leisure to sit around reading and reciting Latin and Greek classics.  (Which is more than most amerikans today can do!)  And writing verbose pompous BS that only applied to themselves. 

So, wealth in amerika just means:  the freedom to step all over those who are not wealthy.  The freedom to give the 99.999%:  the worst jobs (and take them back when the rich see fit), tainted food, fake meds, crap educations (so they only qualify for the worst jobs), ‘payday loan’ interest rates on their credit cards, 1% interest on their savings accounts, and ballooning mortgages.  SUCKERS!!  

The wealthiest have it all!  They are, for the most part:  beyond the law, out of sight, and completely unknown.  And, they’ve brainwashed the rest of us to f’over each other in order to be like them!  They can’t be touched.  (Or…can they?)

Oh well, WTF, we are the 99.999% and we are about to get screwed, BIG TIME!!

Here's why.  

Remember, Prez O has only four more years (if he wins).  And most of that time, he’ll be locked-up in battle with the TeaPoobs.  So, after O, who, of integrity and a fighting spirit, is ‘left’?  Nobody!  The Left is dead in amerika.  Thus, right wing conservative teabagging amerika has no conscience!  ‘Occupy nowhere’ will be washed away into prisons (as terrorists) when the Teapublicans get back into the executive branch.  Then Teamerika will be off to war with its buddy, Israel.  They’ll attack Iran and all hell will break loose (with no end in sight).  It’ll be morning in W’s amerika all over a’gin.  Then the big boys (Huntsman family buddies) will step in to help (themselves) again and Teamerika’s economy will crash to the ground (again). 

When will White Amerika ever learn???  (Probably…never!) 

My guess is that, in one of the many battles in the new World War the Teapubs will start, what’s left in the little peoples’ (the 99.999%) bank accounts will be erased by hackers of the world (united).  And everything in Teamerika will come crashing down, d o w n, d  o  w  n … d   o   w   n.  The rich will be long gone and the rest of us will be the best defended nothing in the world.  (Kind of like Russians after WWII.)  Oh well…I guess:  what blows up, must come down!

(And we got blow’d up, blow'd up real good...):

Monday, January 9, 2012

Republicans Gone Mad

New Hampshire has been a real ‘coming out’ for this collection of utter rubbish:

We have:  racial slurs, re-invading Iraq, annulling gay marriage, repealing Roe vs. Wade, attacking Iran, eliminating public assistance because of the old lie that blacks are the majority of people on public assistance, and eliminating social security. 

Obama has nothing to worry about.  He’ll get four more years.  

But what about the rest of us?  

Republican rubbish will eventually get into the White House again.  And when that happens, the great deconstruction will begin again!  (Obama will be back in Hawaii, which is really a sovereign country  occupied by the US.)

The rest of us (i.e., the 99.999%) will be fighting in the streets for an apple!

What the public (the white public) can’t seem to understand is that 2007-2009 was no ‘economic downturn’ (as if the economy just took a wrong fork in the road), but a vast fraud on the part of conservative white businessmen.  So, they're ready to elect these guys to the WH all over again.  STUPID!

Oh, there’s also racism everywhere in New Hampshire:  from Ron Paul’s Jim Crow Libertarianism to Rickie Santorum’s “I don’t want to make black peoples’ lives better by giving them somebody else’s money.”  Not to mention, Mitt and Newt’s attack on that black president, O: 

Prez O has nothing to do with any betterment of the economy. 

Prez O has done nothing for jobs. 

Prez O is a ‘job killer’!

Oh, and don’t forget Newtie’s offer to teach black people about paychecks vs. food stamps at the NAACP convention.  (I hope the Professor mentions GWs False Teeth--search on 'teeth')

Republicans, the Republican Party, Tea Baggers, White Conservatives (and their black minions) are ALL:  scum, trash, baggage, garbage, filth, stench, puke, excrement, runoff, landfill, BM, BS, VD, and every fowl and polluting thing that has ever crawled up from the HELL in their minds!

GET THEE BEHIND ME, S A T A N S !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If you don’t believe me, just see the compilation of  The Ed Show clips currently online for 01.09.12.  Clck On Mitt and start with Mitt Speaks.

A thing of beauty.